Serbian president: “Australia does not only humiliate Djokovic”

by time news

The Australian government has exercised special authority to revoke Novak Djokovic’s visa again, claiming the reason is in the public interest not to encourage vaccine opponents to Corona and the world’s number one tennis player returned to the same “musty” hotel known for its poor conditions and used mostly by refugees. But until tomorrow (Saturday) the appeal takes place and a final and official decision is made on whether the tennis player can stay and compete in the Australian Championships – he is due to play in the first round on Monday – or whether he will be expelled from the country.

In a post posted on Instagram, Vujicic went on the offensive against the Australian Prime Minister: “Dear Serbian citizens, we face many problems, but if there is one thing that can not be taken away from us as a country it is our generous heart, respect and integrity. I am writing this to you Because of what’s going on in Melbourne, Australia, with Novak Djokovic I do not want to make any political fortune from it and do not think what I can lose because of it, but attacking a Serbian citizen for unclear reasons and not being updated is something I do not accept and impossible not to I will respond to the issue, “the Serbian president began.

“All players are advised to get vaccinated.” Djokovic | Reuters

“Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison did not speak on the issue and only said he welcomed the decision, but I am very surprised by it,” Vučić continued, “just think what would have happened if, as President of Serbia, I had overturned a court decision. If you want to keep Djokovic away so he does not win for the tenth time, why did you not tell him that in the first place? Why are you cruel to him, to his family and to an entire nation? Maybe it’s necessary for you to win an election in Australia and you’re trying to please your people?

“I come from a small country and I tell you that we will fight for Novak. You humiliate him and we as a country that very much respects Australia and the Australian people, we will stand behind him. He was and will be the best tennis player of all time and if you think you achieve anything by hurting him “You can just prevent him from participating, you don’t have to stop him. Serbia will continue to support Novak Djokovic, we are with you!” Vucic concluded.

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