Settlement on termination of employment: The boss of SNCF settles accounts with the federal government

by time news

2024-05-22 23:37:17

His signature brought about controversy. The president of the SNCF Jean-Pierre Farandou defended on Wednesday the controversial settlement on the tip of the works within the railway union, which he refused to signal “on sly”. “It is an excellent deal,” he mentioned on BFMTV, saying “I am positive the long run will show (him) proper.”

Signed in April by the administration and the 4 consultant unions of SNCF, this settlement gives primarily for an enchancment within the early retirement system, particularly for railway employees with conditions of confirmed stress. It has been closely criticized, with some – on the correct but in addition within the President’s camp – seeing it as a technique to reverse the pension reform, which has raised the retirement age to 64 in 2023 and eradicated particular schemes.

Judging that the settlement is “unsatisfactory”, the Minister of Financial system, Bruno Le Maire, known as the president of the SNCF originally of Might. The minister criticized an settlement which created “a really sturdy feeling of double requirements for our colleagues”. He additionally regretted that he had not been notified of his signature by the administration of the railway union.

“This settlement comes from a request from Matignon who requested the massive corporations the place there’s a downside to cope with this topic,” answered Jean-Pierre Farandou on Wednesday, who is predicted to depart his place within the fall is coming “I needed to current the topic three or 4 instances in my committee the place members of the State had been current,” he continued, recalling that he had additionally talked about it in an interview with Le Monde.

“It isn’t a lie that I didn’t present the file to the Minister of Finance,” he admitted. However perhaps some individuals round him had been at the very least conscious of his life. » “These accusations of being on a idiot’s errand and doing this in secret, I oppose them,” he insisted. And the director of the railway firm insists: the settlement “was made transparently with the State”, “no sanction (towards him) as a result of there isn’t any error.”

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