Shady Zidan’s health condition is getting worse…and information about his entering a coma

by time news

It seems that the health condition of the Syrian actor, Shadi Zidan, and the brother of the Syrian actor, Ayman Zidan, is deteriorating after he suffered a stroke and severe bleeding.

One of the actor’s friends confirmed that he had entered a coma, and wrote: “The kind-hearted artist Shadi Zidan still needs your prayers … Unfortunately, he suffered a stroke and cerebral hemorrhage yesterday and is still in intensive care until now. He entered a coma now.. but Your prayers for him in the back of the unseen are able, God willing, to heal him. Shadi never failed in the right of anyone, he was a brother to all.

Shadi Zaidan was exposed to a sudden health problem that caused him to be admitted to the hospital, while filming a series in Damascus, which is scheduled to be shown in the next Ramadan race.

Zidane suffered an internal brain hemorrhage during imaging, which necessitated his immediate transfer to the hospital, where it was found that he had a brain hemorrhage.

A large number of Shadi’s friends and colleagues in the artistic community wished him a speedy recovery and that he would return to filming in full health and strength. His colleague, the Syrian actor, Laith Al-Mufti, wrote: “During filming, Brother Shadi Zaidan suffered from a health problem. Pray for him to recover. The safety of your heart, my friend.”

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