Shani surya transit in kumbh will give good luck for virgo, capricorn, aquarius, taurus, gemini sagittarius zodiac signs | Planet Transit 2023: Saturn-Sun transit in Aquarius; From February, prosperity will come to these people

by time news

Planet Transit 2023: On February 13, 2023, Saturn and Sun will enter the same sign. Such a coincidence happens after almost 30 years. When Saturn and Sun are in Aquarius, these zodiac signs will get good results.


In astrology, Sun is considered as the planet that brings fame, honor and prosperity. Lord Shani is the giver of karma. On February 13, 2023, the Sun will enter Aquarius. At this time Saturn’s movement will be in Aquarius. Saturn will enter Aquarius in January itself.


The king of planets Sun and Saturn will be in Aquarius from February 13th to March 14th.


When Saturn transits in its own sign, Aquarius, it will bring happiness and prosperity to the six zodiac signs, Virgo, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Aquarius and Gemini. And due to the Sun’s influence, these natives will gain fame and respect. Their court cases will be resolved. (Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on common beliefs and information)

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