She is Argentine, works as a nanny in the US and calms a baby with court songs

by time news

2023-11-10 16:10:10

Camila, known as @camitigero on TikTok, emigrated to the United States and went viral for her ingenious way of calming the baby she cares for in her job as a nanny.

In a video she is seen in a family home with another Argentine au pair (caregiver). The clip begins with a message that says “Pov: your au pairs are Argentine.”

You are the joy of my heart

In the filming, Camila holds a crying baby in her arms and, without hesitation, begins to sing a court song: “Mumu, mumu of my life, you are the joy of my heart.”

What left everyone surprised is that the baby calmed down immediately and began to wave his hand and celebrate as if he were in an Argentine soccer stadium.

This unusual method captivated TikTok users, who were quick to leave their comments: “I already knew I had to raise my hand to the beat and everything,” “Argentinizing the world,” “Mumu, Mumu, I love you, I I carry you inside my heart.”

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