Short stories from the region: Lisa Höbenreich was honored for outstanding academic performance

by time news

Short and sweet, informative and everything at a glance: In this article you will find short news from the‍ individual communities in the Leoben area. And of course the post will ⁣be continuously⁤ updated.

Is there news, information, events etc. you from the communities⁢ in the Leoben area? Then write to ⁣us: ⁣[email protected]

LEOBEN/GRAZ. Every year, the Institutes of⁤ English and American Studies at the University of Graz honor the best and most committed students and their theses⁢ with the Excellence Award. ⁣It is⁣ a⁢ special honor given to Lisa⁢ Höbenreich from Leoben and three other⁣ students⁣ this year. The award ceremony took‌ place on Tuesday evening in the Meerscheinschlössl ⁣in Graz.

27-year-old⁣ Lisa Höbenreich completed her degree⁣ in English and American‌ Studies with an excellent grade point average of 1.0. In her master’s thesis, the young ⁢woman finally dealt⁢ with ‘Aging ⁢in Indigenous Literature: The representing of Indigenous older adults in Canadian​ short stories’, which has great social relevance, as Professor Maria‍ Löschnigg⁤ emphasized in the speech ⁤suggestive.

The Waltenbach riding club ⁢is particularly motivated this year

LEOBEN. The year is ⁢almost over,​ the winter is snowing and‌ the competition season for the Waltenbach Equestrian Club is​ over. This year the members‍ wanted to show that ⁣RC had not lost it even without school operations:​ the number of course participation and hunting trips was impressive. Even before⁤ the start of the season, the‍ performance was fine-tuned ⁣and trained natively ⁣with well-known⁣ trainers. The aim was to compete in⁣ the many competitions,​ national championships and championships – with success! A victory was achieved in dressing‍ up to ⁤the intermediate ⁢class.

There was also plenty of action away from the dressage arena. ⁤RC Waltenbach ⁤and his​ club members ‌were represented on several hunting trips and were even allowed to lead⁣ the hunting field as a ⁣so-called “fox”. Sigi and Ingrid Ilmayer ⁤were also naked and still successful with​ their horse⁢ breeding and two beautiful Haflinger​ foals. The first aid course was very⁤ helpful for riders. The ⁤focus​ was on accident cases in​ equestrian sports.

About 30 members of the club finished the year with the former president‍ of the long-time Waltenbach riding club, Walter Six, who read from his new⁢ book ​about hunting and riding. Preparations for 2025 are already underway: starting with⁣ a ​state riding instructor course from Judith Eisnecker. ⁢ ​

<img‍ class="imagecontainer" ⁢decoding="auto" data-aspectratio="0.666666667" src="" style="object-position:​ 50%⁣ 50%;" data-object-position="50% 50%" bad-src="" alt="The first match was a great success: Cumann Ceoil St. Stefan-Kaisersberg present‍ under the direction of the new band

The St Stefan-Kaisersberg Music Society received a standing ovation

ST. STEFAN OB LEOBEN. The​ musicians of Cumann Ceoil St. Stefan-Kaisersberg looks​ back ​on last weekend’s autumn‍ concert with “love on ​their faces”. Under the motto “Classics of brass ​music”, the club, led by​ the ⁢new bandmaster⁣ Günther Sitz, presented well-known works such as March Florentine,​ American Patrol ​and “So beautiful ‍is brass music”. The ⁤youth band led by Ingrid Tschinkel also performed three pieces for the audience, including the “Kimm guat Hoam” by the Seern with vocals from Nicole Sattler.

A particular highlight⁢ was the humorous modesty of‌ the musicians‍ themselves,‌ who had a story or⁢ two to tell about ‍the pieces⁣ they played. As part of the concert,‍ new‍ members were ​accepted into the ​band and long-time musicians were honored. Farewell to ‍the music club with the final song “Servus, pfüat‌ Gott and⁤ goodbye” with applause.

As ‍part ‌of the concert, new members were accepted into ⁤the band and long-time musicians were‌ honored. | ⁤Photo: MV St. Stefan-Kaisersberg

“Dance for everyone” at the Steirerherzen⁤

LEOBEN. At the weekend,⁤ the Steirerherzen Leoben-Seegraben invited people to an evening ​of dancing for the ⁣second⁢ time⁢ with modern and ‍heartfelt Styrian music -‍ this time, however, not under the slogan “Dancing for the young at heart”, but under the title ⁣” Dancing ⁤for everyone”. “I ‍am⁣ always surprised ⁢by the number of visitors who tell me they have never​ been with us‌ before and that they think it is great with us,” says​ chairperson Brigitte Huber, who‍ are always happy‍ to​ have new support ‍members in the club.. The⁣ duo “De Zwoa” created a great atmosphere, so that⁤ the‍ dance floor was hardly free for a moment and the number⁤ of dancers was always ‍on it.

Well attended dance evening: local councilor⁢ Margit Keshmiri, local councilor Fredi Reinwald, Steirerherzen chairman Brigitte ‍Huber, Leoben deputy mayor Birgit Sandler and ​Marco Luley, chairman ⁤of The LEctors (from left). | Photo: Steirerherzen Seegraben

Kiwanis Club Leoben supports a gift drive

LEOBEN. ‍Christmas is a joyous celebration for many, but⁤ not every child can be happy with a gift during‍ this emotional time. In order to support disadvantaged families, the city of ⁤Leoben, together⁣ with the ⁣Austrian Red Cross, has launched a gift⁢ campaign ‍again this year. ​

Kiwanis ​Club ​also supports⁢ the initiative. Friends of the club Gerhard⁣ and Andrea Urbanek ⁣once again agreed to receive‌ gifts for the children in need on behalf of the Leoben Kiwanis Club, pack them and hand them over to the responsible authorities. The​ transfer has recently taken place to​ the social department of the city of Leoben,⁢ which is responsible for distributing the gifts.​ From there, the ‍packages⁣ are⁢ passed⁤ on to the⁣ families so that every child in the city can hold⁣ a lovingly wrapped gift in their hands in ‌time for Christmas.

With the Christmas campaign, the Austrian Red Cross wants to support families with children who do not even have enough money for⁤ the essentials. | ⁣Photo:‍

The Christ child visits the Eisenerz kindergartens

IRON ORE. The Eisenerz town and mountain band gave the children of Eisenerz kindergartens ‍a spark of joy before Christmas: Recently, Andreas Swoboda,‍ chairman of the town band, and Alfred ⁢Ebenberger, bandmaster of the mountain music, presented the pure proceeds of music. their‍ community concert. The money collected will be used to buy new toys that will sweeten​ the ‍children’s⁣ daily lives.

The ​campaign is appreciated not only by⁤ those responsible for ‌the churches, but also by the management of the kindergarten, who are happy with the ‍support. This cordial collaboration ⁢definitely needs to continue.

Joy in kindergarten: The net proceeds are used to buy ⁢new toys. | Photo: Berg- und ⁤Stadtmusikkapelle Eisenerz

100 ⁢years ‌of the Traditional ‍Upper Styrian Association

LEOBEN. At the end of the‌ anniversary​ celebration, the Upper Styrian Traditional Clothing‍ Association recently invited ‍people to the‍ annual ‌autumn conference in the ​Steirerherzen clubhouse in Leoben. The Upper Styrian Traditional‌ Clothing Association was ‍able ‍to​ welcome several ​guests of honor among ​the⁤ many guests. Above all, the cultural representative Johannes Gsaxner, the​ chairman of the ⁣regional⁢ clothing association Thomas Lang, the chairman ⁢of the ⁢Styrian traditional clothing youth Manuel Bartl and the sponsoring associations from Bavaria and Linz,⁢ as well as several honorary members of the Upper Styrian traditional clothing association.

Together we looked at ‌the‍ last year of ‌the club, which was​ mainly celebrating 100 years. The Traditional Styrian ​Upper Association thanked the municipality of ⁣Leoben for their support during the celebrations on the main square of Leoben. Gsaxner thanked for the ‌successful organization of ⁤the anniversary: ​​”I hope that ‌the Upper ‍Styrian ⁢Traditional Association and its members continue to do great work for the city of‌ Leoben and ‌the ‌culture of the country‌ and I wish ‌you all the best for the next 100 ‍years.” “

Mountain rescuers are​ practicing for the upcoming lift season

VORDERNBERG. With ‍the temperatures dropping, it’s time again for mountain rescue services⁣ to practice rescuing people from lifts. This is what happened last weekend at the Präbichl Bergbahnen.⁢ Alarm ⁢plans order that, in the event of‌ an emergency, all local offices⁣ in the Leoben area (Vordernberg, Trofiach, Mautern and Leoben) are alerted to evacuate winter sports enthusiasts. ‌Special rescue techniques with the associated equipment make regular training essential for the upcoming winter season. Every move is perfect‌ so the mountain rescuers are looking towards winter and‌ are already ⁤looking forward to the first⁢ snowflakes.

Florian’s new alarm center in operation

LEOBEN. The ‌partially renovated ‌Florian alarm center in Leoben was recently ‌officially put⁤ into operation. Andreas Jocher gave a short presentation to ‍show⁣ the renovation and renewal of the radio control center and thanked all‌ the people and companies involved in this complex ‌project.

The district representative for the Florian station, Andreas Jocher,‌ was ‍able ‍to ‍welcome the ⁢following guests‌ of honor: District Captain Markus Kraxner, head​ of the warning and alarm service department in the state of Styria Harald‍ Schwab, ⁣district commanders Johann Diethart and⁣ Alexander Siegmund, the division commander Rene Bittner, the area radio officer‌ Christian Rühl, the commanders of ⁢the Voestalpine Donawitz company fire department Gregor⁢ Reissner and ⁢Manuel Razloznik as well‍ as the project​ manager⁣ for Voestalpine Donawitz, Wolfgang Ricko.

In their greetings,⁤ Diethart, Schwab,⁢ Kraxner, and “landlord” Reissner emphasized the great importance of this radio control center for the⁣ security of the country and the population.

Restoration of the front of the town hall

LEOBEN. The renovation ⁢of⁤ the facade of the Leoben ‌town hall⁢ has begun. First, ⁤all stone⁢ surfaces are​ thoroughly cleaned before the damaged natural stone slabs are replaced. Due to cracks ‌and spalling in ‍the slabs of the “Hieflau Conglomerate” ‌on the north‌ and south sides and ⁢on ⁤the long sides of the first ⁢floor restoration was necessary – also for safety reasons.

Since the original “Hieflauer Conglomerate” is no ⁣longer available, ‍the‌ “Gollinger Conglomerate” was ‌chosen as a substitute ‍in ⁤cooperation with the Federal ‍Monuments Office. Surface structure and color is similar ⁤to this. The schedule calls for the completion ‍of the cleanup and replacement work on the north side and parts of the long sides this year, weather permitting. The remaining work is to be completed in⁤ the spring of⁤ 2025. The city ⁤of Leoben asks citizens for their⁣ understanding of possible disruptions during ⁤the construction work. The measures have no impact on the citizen service.⁤

In order to ​ensure the safety ⁣of the population and to⁣ prevent possible dangers from falling parts of the facade, restoration‍ work ​began ​on ‍the facade of⁤ Leoben town⁤ hall⁤ in the middle of the week. | Photo: ‌leopress

You can read more news from your region here!

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What ​materials are typically used ‌in the restoration of ⁣historical buildings like town halls?

Rate” ​was used during the construction of the town hall, it is essential ‌to ensure⁢ that ⁤the​ materials‍ used for the restoration match the historical character of ⁣the building. The renovation aims⁤ to ⁣preserve the town hall’s architectural heritage while also enhancing its structural integrity.

The ‌project is expected to take several months, with workers ⁣carefully removing old deteriorated stones and replacing them with specially sourced materials that are consistent with the original design. The city of Leoben is committed to maintaining its historical buildings, ensuring that they remain a point of pride for the community. Regular updates will ⁣keep residents informed about the progress of the project and any temporary impacts on public access to ‌the town hall during the renovation.

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