Shortages of Combat Equipment and Donations Piling Up: The IDF’s Struggles with Bureaucracy and Procrastination

by time news

Standby Unit Left Unarmed Despite Terrorist Threats: Lack of Trust in the Fence

By Gilad Cohen

October 12, 2023

Moshav Takuma’s standby unit, responsible for responding to terrorist infiltrations, was left without weapons due to a lack of trust in the border fence. The commander of the unit, Bini Kafir, had alerted a senior officer in the Gaza Strip about the situation, but was told to rely on the barrier for protection.

The incident occurred just outside Nativot, where a group of terrorists had planned to infiltrate. However, thanks to a rash of thefts and the presence of a police car, they were unable to carry out their plans.

Kafir expressed his concerns about the lack of adequate weaponry, stating, “They said that after the barrier is erected – there is no threat, but we cannot rely solely on the fence. We need proper equipment to effectively respond to potential terrorist attacks.”

This incident highlights a larger issue within the military and security sector. Many reserve servicemen have complained about shortages of combat equipment. Despite having access to tens of thousands of ceramic vests, which have supposedly passed all the necessary approvals, donors in Israel and abroad have faced bureaucratic hurdles and delays in donating the equipment.

In response to these claims, the IDF spokesman announced the establishment of a center to receive donations of personal protective equipment for soldiers. However, donors have expressed frustration over the lack of accountability within the system. One donor stated, “The only thing preventing the equipment from arriving is a letter that no one takes responsibility for.”

The IDF’s inability to efficiently receive and distribute essential equipment raises concerns about the preparedness and readiness of the military to effectively counter terrorist incidents. The Central Command has acknowledged the need for increased forces to protect and respond to these threats, but bureaucratic hurdles and delays continue to hinder progress.

As the security situation remains precarious, it is crucial for the military and security sector to address these issues promptly. The safety and security of soldiers and civilians alike depend on a well-equipped and diligent defense force.

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