Should we be afraid of ‘missing the gains in the markets’, and what do you think about the Philippines?

by time news

27 years ago, plus or minus, following the wisdom of technical analysis, I began my learning journey into the world of investments in the United States. It included frequent trips to conferences and seminars, tests of the MTA (American Society of Technical Surgeons) and experience in the various trading platforms that emerged with the development of online trading. This is at the same time as developing investment products and writing knowledge for the readership.

I did this because I realized that in the wider world there is an endless variety of options for investment, trading and financial engineering, both for reasons of dispersion and for reasons of potential, you have to learn to swim in this sea. In the world of travel they call it ״ללכת אל״. Go to development, learning and possibilities.

This week, since I returned from a weekend where I taught mindfulness workshops abroad, I have been flooded with inquiries that illustrate how life is full of contrasts. They start asking to analyze the Tel Aviv 35 “In light of the special situation” and continue to ask questions about the possibilities of investing abroad as a result of the desire to withdraw money from Israel. In the world of travel they call it “Go from…” (Remember in the song “The Ballad of Hadvah and Shlomik performed by Miri Aloni). A wave of existential anxiety conversations washed over my return from the dream abroad.

Since I usually respond to your requests and whispers of your heart, today we will look at the Tel Aviv 35 graph. I don’t have it in full format on the site I work with, so we will use – The reason I usually refrain from analyzing the local market, beyond my choice of “journeys in the big world”, also in matters of investments, is that writing about the local market will create a lot of emotional dialogues around the positions you, the readers, hold and I’d rather we be small fish in the big sea than whales in the swamp That’s why I won’t expand much beyond the graph in relation to the “money escape” question.

The analysis of the TA 35 graph does not predict good things, as we will see below, and perhaps it is possible to “go to” investments abroad in a variety of countries and sectors, as we do here (on Monday I wrote about Japan – GO) But in my opinion, the panic of “robbing” and existence is a bit inflated and if you are considering cross-border protection of your money you should do so with discretion. Remember that in every political, economic, etc. storm, all the factors speak with the aim of creating extremism and fear, and the one who benefits from the extremism and fear is not the small citizen who is actuated by that fear.

The graph of Tel Aviv 35 shows a significant settlement below the 200-day moving average, a downward trend line and the beginning of a significant support level breakout. sale status A move above 1830 will require rethinking.

We can follow you tooIZRLthe basket fund of ARK for investment in Israeli innovation. The picture there is interesting. Still below the 200 day average but challenging it. Its breakout upwards would be a significant positive sign. So you can simultaneously follow TA 35 and – IZRL and see if the first one continues to deteriorate, as it seems at the moment, and the second one might actually break out due to the different stock composition.

back to the world
We will continue here the discourse on investments in the world and it of course integrates with the topics of nomads digital and F.i.R.E which I am involved in a lot and give you a taste of them here. Thus, the conversations I had this week about interesting countries in the world for combining nomads and businesses led me to The Philippines (We have already talked about Canada and New Zealand). One of the accessible options for us to build an investment portfolio that matches our understanding of countries in the world is State basket funds. The basket fund for investment in the Philippines is EPHE And as you will see from the graph and the data, it is relatively very stable. Beta in the 0.85 region. In this respect, it is an investment in which you have positioned the portfolio. As mentioned, the graph reflects this stability and accordingly does not currently show the potential for a dramatic move. But, opening a position at this level, above $27.5, and waiting for developments from the direction of this country is a reasonable option considering its contribution to stabilizing the portfolio. A Filipino touch to the case and follow-up to see if potential really arises there.
You are invited to flood here with more global ideas that arise from your business sense / lifestyle and a global portfolio will be built with a “go to” approach that will happily serve even those who currently feel the need to “go from…”. Win Win.

what about UPST?
The reader m. He asked me to analyze you UPST And I will do this willingly. Before that, another reference to Johnny’s response to my response to his previous response. You are definitely welcome to visit, ask, raise opposing scenarios. That’s what we’re here for. Contribute and be contributed. I won’t be Upset from a review. I am also not hurt or offended, and if so then it is considered “practice”. But I would prefer that there not be cynical comments or just obnoxious comments because they have no contribution and they contain some of the noise that we have enough of.

regarding UPST The graph shows that it can rise towards $25 and there a significant resistance test awaits it. A breakout will mark the 200 day average as the next target. The indicators show the possibility of shuffling for a while so that it can be defined as interesting at the moment only for those who find it interesting from an economic and business point of view as well.

I also tried to deepen the research into the investment possibilities in AI We started with it at your request on Monday. I asked friends from the field and we didn’t find any more obvious tradeable ideas. There are many startups or companies that use AI and/or form a platform for it, but I haven’t discovered any unique ideas yet.

It seems worth talking about in the meantime Microsoft that invested in ChatGPT. I did some research and this investment means a lot for the giant Microsoft.
The graph of MSFT Showing classic Fibonacci support and progress to another attempt to challenge the 200-day moving average. There is no more power in relation to S&P500 So allow a partial position that will increase above the average for 200 days. Protection below 235.

Market trend update
Another issue I thought of bringing up today is the question of the FOMO in relation to market increases. Here the reactions are mainly in the direction of warning against enthusiasm for the increases. But, the calls I receive are more from the direction of dealing with the FOMO which was created by not participating in the rise of the markets. Remember that as they rise, they will rise, for every skeptical reaction there will be a reaction FOMO. The nature of momentum is that it will weaken the first and strengthen the second. I’ll leave it here for now.

The graphs of the indices show that buyers are still interested in coming into February. We got a January effect from the movies which, combined with the fact that this year is a pre-election year, illuminate the rest of the year in green. This is the statistic and I have no idea what would justify it but it is what it is. God – S&P500 Supported above the trend line that was crossed upwards and the Nasdaq 100 is fighting to cross the 200 day average. So we are sticking to the bulls and may the Fed help us.

A somewhat long article was published today, but varied and spread across the spectrum of our life’s affairs. The main thing is that we live in peace with ourselves and with the trends in the markets. See you again on Monday.

The author of the article is Ziv Segal ([email protected]) who deals in the field of financial markets, technical analysis, behavioral finance and mental training, who has diverse occupations in the field in academia and practice.

*The above should not be seen as a recommendation to carry out operations and/or investment advice and/or investment marketing and/or advice of any kind. The information presented is for information only and is not a substitute for advice that takes into account the data and the special needs of each person. Anyone who makes any use of the above information – does so at his own discretion and sole responsibility. The company and/or the authors own and/or may own some of the papers mentioned above.

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