Signing a memorandum of understanding between Iraq and the United Nations Development Program for cooperation in combating corruption

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We present to you, our esteemed followers, this news entitled: Signing a memorandum of understanding between Iraq and the United Nations Development Program for cooperation in combating corruption Which was published on our website on 2023-04-12 20:04:47. And now to the details.

The Independent/- The Government of Iraq, through the Office of the Prime Minister on the one hand, and the United Nations Development Program on the other hand, affirmed their renewal of their partnership and their commitment to work to prevent and combat corruption in Iraq by signing a memorandum of understanding aimed at enhancing transparency, accountability and integrity in the public and private sectors.
The signed Memorandum of Understanding is for a period of two years, and builds on existing support provided by UNDP to respond to anti-corruption priorities in Iraq including capacity development of anti-corruption bodies and support for strategic and legal frameworks in line with the UNCAC. Where joint efforts will focus on creating an appropriate environment for conducting a constructive dialogue with civil society, the private sector, academia and the media regarding defining mechanisms for reporting corruption and enabling those concerned to play a key role in strengthening systems of transparency and accountability.

The Prime Minister of Iraq, Muhammad Shia’ al-Sudani, while attending the signing ceremony, affirmed commitment to reducing corruption as one of the most important priorities of his government and working to enhance transparency and public accountability, and thanked His Excellency the United Nations Development Program and all international development partners for their support to Iraq in this field.
UNDP Resident Representative Aoki Lootsma said: “Corruption is a very serious issue in Iraq, and it is our duty to work alongside the Government of Iraq to enhance accountability within Iraqi institutions. This memorandum of understanding will help us work together to improve public services, reduce inequality, strengthen the rule of law, create a more resilient society, and enhance trust between Iraqi citizens and public institutions. This memorandum will motivate us to reconsider our ambition to expand our participation in the fight against corruption in the main strategic areas necessary to improve the investment environment in Iraq and open new ways for partnerships between the public and private sectors.
Fighting corruption is essential to making progress towards Iraq’s sustainable development goals, including creating job opportunities for Iraqis, protecting the environment, increasing equality, and supporting Iraqis’ access to basic services for their lives.

Signing a memorandum of understanding between Iraq and the United Nations Development Program for cooperation in combating corruption

Note: This news about the signing of a memorandum of understanding between Iraq and the United Nations Development Program for cooperation in combating corruption was first published on the Al-Mustaqila website, and our website does not bear its content in any way.
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Information about the news: Signing a memorandum of understanding between Iraq and the United Nations Development Program for cooperation in combating corruption

We have shown you above details and information about the news of the signing of a memorandum of understanding between Iraq and the United Nations Development Program for cooperation in combating corruption. We hope that we have been able to provide you with all the details and information about this news, which was published on our website in the Iraqi News section.

It is worth noting that the editorial team transmitted the news and may have modified it or quoted from it, and you can read and follow the developments of this news from the source.

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