Sinedian demands the resignation of Dian director Luis Carlos Reyes – 2024-05-13 08:45:09

by times news cr

2024-05-13 08:45:09

The National Union of Employees of the National Tax and Customs Directorate (Sinedian) has launched a forceful call demanding the resignation of the entity’s director, Luis Carlos Reyes, due to poor performance in tax collection during the first quarter of 2024.

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The union has warned about the critical situation in which the National Tax and Customs Directorate (Dian) finds itself, pointing out that, despite a slight growth in the collection of $4.7 billion compared to the same period of the previous year, the total of $67.2 billion does not reach the established goal of $71.9 billion. In addition, the accumulation of shortfalls to meet the goal has increased to more than $12 billion, representing a goal fulfillment of only 87%.

In this context, Sinedian has highlighted the importance of efficient and effective management at Dian and has emphasized that director Reyes, among other things, is poorly surrounded, which calls into question the functioning of the entity and they claim to support the initiative of the Minister of Finance, Ricardo Bonilla, to investigate the causes of the low collection and the worrying figures for the budget. Likewise, they have urged President Gustavo Petro to consider Reyes’ resignation as a necessary measure to correct the situation and ensure extraordinary performance in the entity.

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Sinedian has also emphasized the importance of Dian’s new management team respecting and listening to the experiences of the union universe, allowing active participation in issues such as restructuring, regulation of the career decree and attention to labor guarantees.

In conclusion, the union considers that the departure of Reyes and the Director of Corporate Management, Luz Nayibe López, together with attention to the recommendations on the management of human talent in the entity, are essential conditions to achieve optimal and positive performance. for the country in the tax area.

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