Singer La Zarra responds to criticism in song

by time news

2023-05-24 17:27:00

“Obviously I’m disappointed to have flinched, to have lost. » The one who finished 16e at Eurovision breaks the silence and responds to its detractors.

Par Marc Fourny

La Zarra , le 15 avril 2023, a la << pre-party >> Eurovision in Amsterdam.  ” title=”La Zarra, April 15, 2023, at the< pre-party >> Eurovision in Amsterdam.  “/></div><figcaption class=La Zarra, April 15, 2023, at the Eurovision pre-party in Amsterdam.

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QWhat’s better than a melody rather than a great speech? La Zarra chose to close a painful chapter by slamming on his defeat at Eurovision with a song of his own built around the adverb “obviously”, on which his flagship title turned which did not convince the crowds…

“Obviously I’m disappointed / To have flinched, to have lost / I who have always had this fear / Not to be up to it”, launches the candidate from France on a few piano notes. And to repeat how much she was motivated by the idea of ​​representing France while some criticized her Canadian nationality and her Moroccan origins. “Obviously I’m proud/To carry the flag of this France/I who am French in the act/But not in the birth certificate. “.

Not a word about her famous middle finger with which she greeted her defeat – but which remains for her a toz, a gesture of disappointment – ​​even if she recognizes her mistakes for the first time and expresses regrets in one of his quatrains. “Obviously I have regrets/Obviously I’ll do it again/And I’ll apologize every time/I’m like that, that’s me. »

READ ALSOEurovision 2023: La Zarra denies giving the middle finger

“Nothing hurts me anymore…”

She takes the opportunity especially to settle some scores by proudly claiming her double culture, no offense to her detractors. “Obviously they will attack me / On my roots, my origins / But I am proud of it like Dalida / Like Edith Piaf and like Céline [Dion, NDLR]. The defeat was all the more severe as La Zarra, described by some as a “diva”, was not spared during and after the competition: the ex-winner of the competition Marie Myriam took her down with a bang and comedians had a blast, like Gaspard Proust or Philippe Caverivière who nicknamed her the “Mariah Carey Leader Price” on France 2… “Nothing surprises me anymore, nothing hurts me anymore, says the singer , not even the insults in the press / I cash the blows, I do my way / They will do their job, I will do mine. »

READ ALSOFiasco de La Zarra: should France leave Eurovision?

A way of reminding that she has no intention of giving up. Before committing to Eurovision, La Zarra was already working on a second album that she intended to release once the competition was over, before starting a tour. In an interview with our colleagues from Purecharts last month, the Quebec artist specified that she still had songs to finalize. A new opus that she wanted to be festive and dancing. “My album will really reflect that, she swore at the time. It will be much more solar. On the other hand, I will continue to talk about my problems, because there are always problems (laughs). But we’re gonna dance to it. “The song as the best antidote…

#Singer #Zarra #responds #criticism #song

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