Six rulers of Saudi Arabia; A journey through the administrative history of the country

by time news

Riyadh: Saudi Arabia has been ruled by six rulers so far. After the establishment of Saudi Arabia, the country saw growth through them. Let us take a look at the history of the six kings who preceded the current ruler, King Salman. These are the six milestones of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The history of modern Saudi Arabia begins with King Abdulaziz

The history of modern Saudi Arabia begins with King Abdul Aziz, who ruled for 21 years from 1932 to 1953. Founder of modern Saudi Arabia. The first king. He is known as Father of the Nation. King Abdul Aziz died in 1953.

After the death of King Aziz, Saud

After the death of King Abdul Aziz, his second son Saud took over. He formed the cabinet and made separate departments like health, education and commerce. Schools and universities were established throughout the country. He was the first Saudi ruler to visit the US. In 1962, the first International Islamic Conference was convened and an organization called the Muslim World League was formed with its headquarters in Mecca. King Saud’s 11-year rule ended in 1964 when his brother Faisal came to power.

Faisal shook the West

Saudi Arabia had its best run since 1964 under King Faisal. Saudi Arabia has grown rapidly with roads and industrial plants. Educational institutions for girls have sprung up widely. Slavery was banned in 1966. In 1971, the OIC, an organization of 56 Islamic countries, was formed. An important period during which the mosques of the country, including Mecca and Medina, were developed. It was King Faisal who shocked the West with the 1973 ban on oil exports. He stopped the supply of gasoline to countries that supported Israel against Palestine. The price of oil increased by three hundred times. By this single action, he became the favorite ruler of the Islamic world. Following this strict stance, Faisal was Time Magazine’s Man of the Year in 1974. On March 25, 1975, his half-brother shot him dead after returning from the US.

King Faisal’s successor brother Khalid

King Faisal is succeeded by his brother King Khalid. He followed the path of Faisal. A year of explosive growth in all sectors in the country. He is the founder of the GCC Council, a grouping of six countries on the shores of the Persian Gulf. Khaled is a recipient of the United Nations Gold Medal for Peace and Cooperation. His seven-year rule from 1975 to 1982 ended with his death.

King Fahd, who received the epithet of two harem office servants

King Fahd, who came to power in 1982, was the first ruler to adopt the title of Servant of the Two Harams, which included Mecca and Medina. A year in which Saudi strengthened in the defense sector, including an arms contract worth 90 million dollars. It was he who made the strategic decision to set up a military base in Saudi Arabia for the American coalition forces to liberate Kuwait. It was during this period that Haram development and airport development projects were started for lakhs of pilgrims. He died of pneumonia in 2005 after a 23-year reign.

Abdullah on 1st August 2005 became king

Abdullah became king on August 1, 2005. It was the beginning of women empowerment. Representation of women in Shura. Many scholarships have been implemented for girls to study abroad. According to statistics, he was the most popular ruler among the leaders of the Arab states. A person with a strong position on international issues, including Palestine. The years with the largest number of expatriates in the country. Golden Age of Diaspora He died on 23 January 2015. After six important periods of Saudi Arabia, the reign comes to the current ruler, King Salman.

History of the six kings who have ruled Saudi Arabia so far.

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