Slipfest Competition in Nantes: Awakening the Beef Inside

by time news

2024-05-26 13:48:00

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The Slipfest competition befell subsequent Saturday close to Nantes. The primary unhindered occasion she wished to be a “beef”.

The primary version of Slipfest befell this Saturday, Could 25 in Saint-Herblain (Loire-Atlantique) close to Nantes. A festive occasion that wished to “awaken the crimson in us” and “not take ourselves significantly”.

Loopy costumes are really useful for this competition. On this system this 12 months: Flip-flop throwing, tuning, pig squealing competitors, moist T-shirt Belgian Europe the self-discipline).

“village competition”

There have been nonetheless some guidelines to be revered: Inappropriate conduct, drunkenness and even nudity weren’t accepted to keep up the spirit of “respect and kindness”.

For the event, a big viewers of all ages traveled to the suburbs of Nantes with good humor and jokes. Requested Ocean Press, Olivier Deschamps, programmer and co-creator of Slipfest, praises an occasion that’s “free and highly regarded”, he declares. He guarantees a renewed occasion for the approaching years: “As there are the mussel or bear festivals, you should have the underwear competition in Nantes”.

#Throw #flipflop #pig #squealing #contest #tuning #in.. #Slipfest #beauf #competition #France #place #Saturday

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