SLP second national place in growth of industrial activity

by times news cr

2024-05-12 23:54:57

San Luis Potosi was located how second place national for his growth of industrial activity by 10.2 percent, revealed the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) in the Monthly Indicator of Industrial Activity by Federal Entity (IMAIEF), surpassing Querétaro, Nuevo León and Aguascalientes and only below Oaxaca.

The Secretariat of Economic Development (Sedeco) detailed that according to Inegi indicators, with data adjusted for seasonality, the states that reported the most outstanding monthly growth in their industrial activity, in real terms, were: Oaxaca, San Luis Potosí, Campeche and Puebla.

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Likewise, he highlighted that in the contribution of manufacturing industries by federal entity, San Luis Potosí achieved a real percentage variation compared to January 2023 of 15.4 percent, and a contribution to the total real variation of the sector of 0.63, thus placed in first place in all of Mexico.

He highlighted that these figures are the result of the economic policy applied by the State Government as an industrial and service center, attracting national and foreign investments, with a historic investment in infrastructure, as well as programs to support entrepreneurship and business development.

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INEGI’s monthly indicators coincide in locating growth in industrial activity in the last two years, driven by the attraction of investments in key sectors such as automotive, tourism and infrastructure development.

This information is public, unrelated to any particular interest or any political party.


2024-05-12 23:54:57

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