“Small Daily Dose of Vitamin D Reduces Cancer Mortality Risk, Reveals Meta-Study”

by time news

2023-05-12 08:46:00

A meta-study shows that daily intake of a small dose of vitamin D can reduce the risk of death in cancer patients. By taking the vitamin, the mortality of cancer patients fell by an average of twelve percent. In addition, the analysis of the studies with high single doses showed no effect on cancer mortality.

The body should actually produce enough vitamin D itself: it is formed from a precursor molecule in the skin when it is exposed to the sun. However, older people and people with cancer suffer particularly often from a vitamin D deficiency, writes the German Cancer Research Center in a statement.

“According to the current study situation, vitamin D3 intake probably does not protect against developing cancer,” explains senior author Ben Schöttker from the German Cancer Research Center. For the meta-analysis, Schöttker and colleagues evaluated 14 clinical studies with a total of almost 105,000 cancer patients. The intake of vitamin D3 was examined in comparison to a placebo.

According to Schöttker and his team, the results of the study showed that cancer patients can benefit from vitamin D3 therapy. If vitamin D is taken in low doses daily, it can increase your chances of survival. The positive effect is greater if those affected are older than 70 or have previously suffered from a vitamin D deficiency.

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