smell it by yourself Hear Strange Sounds, See Hallucinations, Not Ghosts, Science Has the Answers

by time news

Have you ever had these symptoms? smelled strange by himself, such as the smell of incense even though there was no one burning the incense hallucinating in a state of sleep Hearing strange sounds such as people calling your name or waking up and unable to move, unable to speak, all of these are symptoms that many people believe are related to supernatural energy or being tricked by ghosts. But don’t get too intimidated, because there’s actually a medical explanation for this.

The symptoms mentioned above although not all at the same time But even if it’s just one thing, it’s a signal to the body that something isn’t working properly.

  • I woke up and couldn’t move, couldn’t speak, it wasn’t a ghost, but I had sleep problems.

Who startled waking up in the middle of the night and unable to move? No sound comes out when trying to speak. or feeling like someone is sitting on your chest Many people define this symptom as experiencing a mysterious thing called “Phantom” But in fact, this condition is scientifically called “Sleep Paralysis”, a condition in which the body is conscious. But unable to move different parts and there is a feeling of discomfort similar to difficulty breathing. It usually occurs during sleep and half awake. But it doesn’t happen when the body is awake or awake.

This symptom can be divided into 2 types:

1. Occurs near sleep (Predormital Sleep Paralysis) is when the body is in a state of relaxation. When symptoms occur, you will only feel that you cannot move. can’t say only

2. Occurs near waking up (Postdormital Sleep Paralysis) 75 percent of people with symptoms will occur during this time. often startled Feeling tight in the chest, uncomfortable, unable to move and speak with symptoms lasting 5-10 minutes

Medical causes of sleep paralysis

– having abnormal sleep, such as insufficient sleep or insomnia, when this symptom accumulates, it can cause paralysis

– I don’t sleep on time From a career that works in shifts because the bedtime is constantly changing

– Mental health problems such as stress or bipolar disorder

– Effects of certain medications, such as those used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

– drug use

For those who are frequently haunted by ghosts This may be corrected by starting to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day to adjust sleep. avoid sleeping on your back Exercise regularly without strenuous exercise. And avoid beverages that contain caffeine. But if you can’t fix it by yourself And still having ongoing symptoms, it is necessary to see a doctor to find a cure.

  • I can smell it by myself. It’s not related to ghosts. But part of the hallucinations.

smells of incense, smells strange even though there was nothing there It doesn’t mean being followed by a spirit. But it is an abnormal condition that is medically called Phantosmia (Phantosmia) or a state of smell that does not exist. It is part of the hallucinations that occur in the olfactory system. making it possible to smell different things by yourself

For the cause of odor that does not exist Occurs for several reasons including:

1. Disorders of the nervous system and brain such as temporal lobe epilepsy, epilepsy, encephalitis, brain tumors, temporal lobe lesions caused by cerebrovascular disease and accidents that cause brain injury to side effects from brain surgery

2. Upper respiratory tract infections such as colds, irritation from pollution,

Allergies, sinusitis, rhinitis, nasal tumors and nasopharyngeal cancer

3. Schizophrenia, such as depression

4. Behaviors in drug or alcohol dependence, such as alcohol withdrawal, drug use such as cocaine, and poisoning from regular inhalation of chemicals.

For those with such symptoms, only the root cause must be treated in order to be cured, for example, if suffering from depression. can be treated by medication or psychotherapy In addition, symptoms can be relieved by rinsing the nose with saline, using Oxymetazoline HCl nasal spray, and taking the antidepressant Venlafaxine.

For patients with abnormal smell At first it only lasts for a few seconds but after that it becomes more frequent and longer until it interferes with daily life. Usually occurs in women aged 15-30 years. If the symptoms are more severe, the taste will be distorted as well. Therefore, when knowing that the onset of this symptom should see a doctor for treatment as soon as possible.

  • heard strange noises Doesn’t mean being put on something but hallucinations

Many people believe that when they hear strange sounds such as roaring or name calling. Maybe it’s because someone did superstition. Or is it another symptom that comes from a mysterious thing? But in fact, this condition is called “Ear Waew” or auditory hallucinations with symptoms similar to distorted noses It often occurs in patients with psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, but ordinary people can have hallucinations as well.

For those who have tinnitus words often heard or strange sounds, with the sound being heard may or may not be clear It’s a female voice, a male voice, a single voice, or multiple voices. In some patients, they may speak in response to those sounds as well. The initial treatment for this disease. Your doctor will assess your symptoms. and then pay to treat the disease and doing psychotherapy as well

  • Seeing the light or someone who doesn’t really exist It’s not about some energy. but we’re sick

saw someone standing in front of him or seeing a bright light without a source Don’t be afraid that you will be fooled by ghosts. because the truth is the initial symptom of schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s

medical Hallucinations or mental hallucinations are when the senses while awake touch things without actually having such a thing It is what the psychic mind sees and believes. By seeing hallucinations can be divided into 2 diseases as follows

1. Mental illness, most patients will have hallucinations as well. It can be found in 16-72% of patients. Hallucinations in patients with schizophrenia are often more severe than those in non-schizophrenic patients because of other psychiatric factors. There will be hallucinations associated with family members. Religious objects and animals Manifestations of hallucinations will also depend on the patient’s condition.

2. Alzheimer’s disease Occurs when entering the middle stage of the illness. Patients will begin to see hallucinations, audible ears, and aggressive behavior. if left alone may walk out of the house and not find a way back home at all

Therefore, whether it is a problem with a distorted nose, wavy ears, hallucinations and ghosts, all are caused by abnormal body functions. It is not related to the supernatural story in any way. And when you know you have symptoms or notice that someone close to you has these abnormalities It is advisable to see a doctor as soon as possible to prevent further serious illnesses in the future.

References: SCI Planet, Hello Khunmor, Ampro Health, Haamor, Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi and Sakarin Hospital.

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