Smith bar squat or free weight, which is best to increase glutes?

by time news

2023-12-18 20:06:32

Las squats They are the ‘queens of exercise’ for increase muscle mass of one of the sexiest muscles in the body: the buttocks. Although there are different variants, the most effective are the ones in which you use heavy loads to increase its volume and strength. But what is better, the smith bar squat or free weight? What are their differences?

A glute routine minimum has squats in your circuit, whether in smith bar, with free weight or goblet with dumbbell. However, the first two are among the most disputed in terms of the gym equipment because both work intensely the entire muscle, both gluteus maximus and medius so that those peaches look very voluminous and firm.

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What is the difference between the smith squat and the free weight squat?

The smith squat and the free weight squat They are two excellent variants of the traditional squat. In addition to the training equipment used, the range of motion is different between both movements. If you want to know what their main differences are, keep reading to find out which one is best for you to include in your glutes routine.

In the sentadilla smith, a is used smith machine which guides the bar in a fixed vertical path, providing stability but limiting the participation of the stabilizing muscles. In contrast, the free weight squat is done with a weight bar without vertical movement restrictions, which requires greater balance and control in the trajectory of the bar.

Another important difference is the range of motion. The sentadilla smith Allows you to adjust the height of the bar, which can limit or expand the range of motion. On the other hand, the weighted squat libre It allows a more natural and complete range of motion, involving the intensity of the work in more muscles.

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Are smith machine squats better than free weight squats?

Although both squats They are excellent for sculpting the glutes, the truth is that in one you work at a higher intensity than in the other. Choose between thesmith machine engravings that those of free weight It will depend on your objectives.

On the one hand, in the free weight squat You do not have any type of guide or fixed support. That is, you simply hold the weight on your shoulders and do the squat. Being more beneficial because you work the main muscles involved, but also the stabilizing muscles that help maintain balance and stability.

Instead, the sentadilla smith It involves the use of a special machine that guides the movement and holds the bar, meaning you have less work to do in terms of balance and stability. As a result, it may not be as effective in improving your stability and balance as free weight squat.

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In fact, a study published by the National Library of Medicine, made a comparison between the smith machine squat and free weight to determine which is the best option for those who want to activate and strengthen certain specific muscle groups in the legs and trunk.

In the experiment, the electromyographic (EMG) activity of several muscles was evaluated during the execution of both squat variants. The results showed that the gastrocnemius, biceps femoris, and vastus medialis showed significantly greater electromyographic activity during the free weight squat compared to the smith machine squat.

The average EMG in all muscles tested during the free weight squat was 43% higher compared to the smith machine squat. This indicates that the free weight squat may be more effective overall at activating a variety of muscles in the legs and trunk compared to smith machine.

If you’re looking to strengthen your plantar flexors, knee flexors, and knee extensors, the free weight squat might be the best option. These muscles are vital for leg and trunk stability, as well as activities such as weight lifting.

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Why can you lift more weight on the smith machine?

It is not necessarily true that you can lift more weight in one smith machine compared to the free weight squatsince several factors influence the amount of weight you can lift, such as technique, experience and the adjustment of the smith machine.

Although the free weight squat It requires proper technique, at first you could lift less weight. However, as your technique and strength improve, you will be able to progressively lift more loads. Do not give up!

Now that you know What are the differences between the smith machine squat and the free weight squat?as well as what is the best option to include in your glutes routineDon’t think twice and take advantage of the equipment you have in the gym.

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