SNCF wants to extend its offer of slow trains “Ouigo classic train”

by time news

2023-08-04 19:05:00

DISPATCH — Back to the past for small budgets! SNCF is planning new slow train lines to enrich its “Ouigo classic train” offer. They already exist for Paris-Nantes and Paris-Lyon, the SNCF wants to do it for Paris-Brussels, Paris-Rennes and Paris Bordeaux in the years to come.

Slower and more affordable, this is what SNCF offers with its “Ouigo classic train” offer, already installed on Paris-Nantes and Paris-Lyon since April 2022. SNCF had given itself two years to assess the success of this offer, and deemed it “very satisfactory” last May. Action reaction ! More is needed.

As AFP reports, SNCF Voyageurs has already announced a slow link project between Paris and Brussels for the end of 2024. Also, the company is considering a similar service for Paris and Rennes and Paris and Bordeaux.

Paris-Brussels would thus be done in three hours, compared to 1h20 at high speed. For the line between Paris and Bordeaux, which would depart from Austerlitz or Bercy stations, the total journey would last between 4:55 and 5:39 depending on the services chosen. Finally, it will take between 3:50 and 4:20 to make a Paris-Rennes. In any case, there would be approximately 700 places available.

It should be noted that round trips would only be made twice a day for Bordeaux and Rennes, and up to five times for Brussels.

Unlike the TGV, subject to the “yield management” rule (prices increase according to demand), fares will be fixed and will range from 10 to 30 euros – and 5 euros for children, with options for luggage or the bikes.

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