Snowy Athens: The state apparatus is on its feet – Traffic measures are in force | News

by time news

main weather features are bitter cold, gale force winds, frost and snow, even in low altitude areas

The state mechanism has been put in place to deal with it wave of bad weather affecting most areas of the country and is expected to peak on Monday and Tuesday. Main features of the weather are the freezing coldthe gale force windsthe freezing cold and snoweven in low altitude areas. Regions and municipalities are on heightened alert and the directive to citizens is to take self-protection measures and be careful in their movements.

The snows have made their appearance in its mountains Evia and it has already been snowing since Sunday evening in the villages Seta and Narrow, while the snowfall will intensify on Monday and Tuesday. All the forces of the Region of Central Greece and the municipalities have been put on alert. As announced, schools in the Municipality of Mantoudi – Agia Anna and Limni will remain closed as a precaution from Monday to Wednesday.

The machines in the south are also on “red” alert Fthiotida and in the municipalities Burned Vourlos and Lokronwhile at Martino several snow plows have been assembled to intervene when needed.

One hour later, classes will begin in the primary and secondary education units of the Municipalities Florina and Amyntaio by decision of the mayors, due to the low temperatures prevailing in the area, the kindergartens will operate normally.

Traffic measures are in force

Measures will be put in place by the traffic police for the safety of drivers in view of the impending bad weather. Specifically, today from 10:00 p.m there is a traffic ban for vehicles over 3.5 tons in both traffic streams P.E.O. Elefsina – Thebes from m/th 5,000 (REVOIL gas station – formerly CYCLON) of N. Attica to m/th 34,000 of P.E.O. Elefsina of Thebes of N. Boeotia.

From 22:00 on Monday night all cars moving on the roads of Attica should be equipped with the necessary tires or snow chains and snow blankets. Drivers of heavy vehicles are requested to find alternative routes, as there will be a traffic ban for vehicles over 3.5 tonnes in place, and all drivers are also advised of the weather conditions. Parnithas Avenue remains closed as well and in both currents from the height of the cable car and above.

A new meeting is expected to take place at noon on Monday to Civil Protection who will assess the current data so that it can be announced and specific measures, for schools, telecommuting, the public and private sectors. The same time the municipalities of the Northern Suburbs who are expected to receive the biggest wave of bad weather are already taking their measures by supplying salt and keeping snow machines on standby

«What I have to ask everyone is to be professional and serious in dealing with the weather that we never know exactly their intensity and their size because you also see that every six and twelve hours the meteorological data changesVassilis Kikilias emphasized.

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