So you can prepare a protein shake rich in fiber, ideal for gaining muscle

by time news

2023-09-18 18:01:31

Protein is a key nutrient when we seek to control body weight and build muscle mass. Therefore, we show you how to prepare a protein shake rich in fiber, ideal for gaining muscle with the help of a good diet.

Chocolate, banana and amaranth smoothie

To prepare this chocolate, banana and amaranth smoothie We only need to place two in the glass of a blender or food processor. bananas broken into pieces, a cup of amaranth, two tablespoons of cacao powder, three cups of leche, three quarter cups of yoghurt natural without added sugar and vanilla essence to taste.

We activate the mixer until integrate all the ingredients lightly and serve adding a little amaranth on the outside or, if desired, some oat flakes.

Amaranth is a pseudocereal with properties similar to quinoa, rich in vegetable proteins and fiber; and also source of valuable minerals for our muscles such as potassium, magnesium or iron.

Together with yogurt and milk they provide a large amount of protein which can be useful for hypertrophy, while the natural sugar in bananas stimulates the release of anabolic hormones in our body, thereby promoting muscle gain.

It is an ideal shake for replenish energy after training and stimulate anabolism thanks to ingredients that are sources of proteins, natural sugars, fiber and at the same time, substances with an anti-inflammatory effect on our body such as cocoa’s own polyphenols.

It is chocolate, banana and amaranth smoothie It has valuable nutrients to gain muscle and we can easily prepare it at home.

In Vitónica | Three energy smoothies with oats that will help you start the day on the right note

Image | Direct to the Palate Mexico

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