Soaring in sight this fall of the property tax

by time news
Some large local authorities have seen land rates increase, such as the city of Marseilles where the rate has increased by 13.1%. MAGALI COHEN/Hans Lucas via AFP

DECRYPTION – Between inflation and the rise in rates in several cities, homeowners will suffer a surge in their taxes.

Like every year at the end of the summer, more than 30 million owners are preparing to receive their property tax. From this Monday, August 29, tax notices must indeed be posted online for non-monthly households who will pay it in one go in mid-October. Those who preferred to keep the paper version will receive the bill to be paid by post in mid-September. As for monthly taxpayers, they will be informed of their painful to pay (which will be smoothed each month) after September 19. And there is no doubt that many will see red…

The price explosion does not only concern energy and food. Faced with inflation, the executive has also decided – and voted in the 2022 budget – a revaluation of 3.4% of the cadastral rental values, which serve as the basis for calculating the property tax, on which the rates apply. set by local authorities. In other words, a much more substantial increase than in recent years with an increase…

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