Social affiliation needs reform: One in 5 individuals over 65 is poor – 2024-05-23 21:27:22

by times news cr

2024-05-23 21:27:22

Sooner or later, civil servants might additionally pay into pension insurance coverage. At the very least that is what one social affiliation calls for. That is supposed to fight poverty in outdated age.

The Joint Affiliation calls for that civil servants and self-employed individuals additionally pay into pension insurance coverage sooner or later. “Poverty in outdated age is a quickly rising downside,” stated the affiliation’s future basic supervisor, Johannes Rock, to the “Stuttgarter Zeitung” and the “Stuttgarter Nachrichten”.

What is required is an effective pension that’s protected from poverty. “We are able to obtain this by increasing the pension insurance coverage to incorporate employment insurance coverage, into which civil servants and the self-employed additionally pay, and by elevating the extent of pensions and introducing minimal pensions.” The deliberate pension package deal doesn’t go far sufficient on this regard.

One in 5 Germans over 65 is taken into account poor

Rock referred to an evaluation by the Common Parity Affiliation, in accordance with which just about one in 5 individuals over the age of 65 in Germany is taken into account poor. 20 years in the past it was half of that, stated the affiliation consultant, who will succeed Ulrich Schneider as basic supervisor of the joint affiliation originally of August.

The federal authorities plans to go the deliberate pension package deal II on Wednesday subsequent week. With the reform, Labor Minister Hubertus Heil (SPD) and Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) need to stabilize the pension degree and decelerate the anticipated improve in pension contributions by way of investments within the capital market.

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