Social Fest Becomes an Event for SMAN 61 Jakarta to Showcase the Results of the P5 Project Concerning Social Security – 2024-05-11 14:22:52

by times news cr

2024-05-11 14:22:52

The social security educational festival entitled ‘Social Fest’ took place at SMAN 61 Jakarta. This activity is the culmination of a series of piloting of Social Security Content in Education through the Strengthening Pancasila Student Profile (P5) Project Module. Photo: BPJS Employment Documentation

jpnn.comJAKARTA – Public High School (SMAN) 61 Jakarta is holding a social security educational festival entitled ‘Social Fest’.

The activity, which was officially opened by the Head of SMAN 61 Jakarta, Sri Mulyanti, together with the Chair of the National Social Security Council (DJSN), Agus Suprapto, was the culmination of a series of piloting of Social Security Contents in Education through the Strengthening Pancasila Student Profile (P5) Project Module.

On that occasion, Agus emphasized that understanding regarding social security needs to be built from an early age through primary and secondary education.

This aims to raise public awareness of the socio-economic risks that may occur in their lives.

“The social security content in the Strengthening Pancasila Student Profile Project is part of the DJSN function so that it can be implemented in the national education ecosystem,” said Agus in a written statement, Friday (10/5).

He also specifically appreciated SMAN 61 Jakarta which has succeeded in becoming a pioneer at the national level.

Agus hopes that later the students will be able to become agents of change in increasing public understanding regarding the importance of social security protection.

“I congratulate SMA 61 on being the first to implement P5, not only at the Jakarta level, but nationally. “These fellow students have been able to become agents or Shields for BPJS Employment and BPJS Health because of their extraordinary understanding,” said Agus.

The social security educational festival entitled ‘Social Fest’ took place at SMAN 61 Jakarta, here are the objectives of this activity

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