Solar Eclipse 2023 April 8 Big Explosion Will Be Seen In Space Surya Grahan- Huge explosions will be seen in space during the solar eclipse What special thing will happen to the world on April 8 – 2024-03-27 11:54:28

by times news cr

2024-03-27 11:54:28
Washington: Solar eclipse will be seen on 8th April. During a solar eclipse, there comes a time when the Moon completely covers our star. This is called totality, which can last from a few seconds to a few minutes. The Sun disappears completely during totality. At the time of totality the eclipse can be viewed without protective glasses. During this time the corona of the Sun will be visible. It will show electrically charged plasma, whose height is enough to cover several Earths. A total solar eclipse was seen in Australia on 20 April 2023. Even then these characteristics of the Sun were visible. On April 8, a total solar eclipse will be visible in parts of Mexico, the US and Canada. However, this solar eclipse is going to be quite different from 2023. This is because the Sun is at the peak of its 11-year cycle of activity. This is known as solar maximum. During this time huge plasma will be visible. Let us know about these activities taking place in the Sun.

CMEs emerge from the Sun

A phenomenon that occurs in the Sun is known as a coronal mass ejection (CME). Ryan French, a solar physicist at the National Solar Observatory in Boulder, Colorado, said a CME is a massive ejection of magnetic fields and plasma mass from the sun’s corona. It moves very fast, but looks stable. It will take 100 minutes for the Moon’s shadow to cross North America, so if a CME occurs it will be visible.

This is how a solar eclipse appears on Mars, visible exactly two months before Earth.

flames come out of the sun

Solar flares are known as solar flames. Solar flares are powerful bursts of radio waves, visible light, X-rays and gamma rays on the Sun’s surface. It travels at the speed of light. It takes only 8 minutes to reach the earth. Mostly she comes out with the CM. French said solar flares are different from CMEs. It occurs very low in the Sun’s atmosphere. The Sun will appear close to the edge of the Moon during the eclipse.

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