solidarity between the “brothers” beyond the latent war

by time news

2023-09-10 15:00:00

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ANALYSIS. Algeria has opened its airspace for aid to Morocco in a context of strong tensions with its neighbor.

By our correspondent in Algiers, Adlène Meddi

Published on 09/10/2023 at 3:00 p.m.

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While, on Saturday September 9 morning, the images and reports of the devastation which struck the Moroccan neighbor paraded on the media and social networks in Algeria, creating a strong response of solidarity and compassion, public opinion held back its breath. Will Algiers overcome its animosity against Rabat in these dramatic moments? Diplomatic relations were severed by Algeria in August 2021, against a backdrop of extreme political tensions, particularly with the kingdom’s normalization with Israel.

READ ALSOEarthquake in Morocco: Elmaleh, Debbouze, Gims… Celebrities moved by the disaster

Deadly incidents

Since then, incidents have multiplied between the two Maghreb neighbors, such as the drone bombing, in November 2021, of a convoy of transport trucks…

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