SOS Women’s Line *765: in one year it received more than 70,000 calls, 60% were emergencies – La Prensa

by time news

2023-06-15 05:38:59

The *765 hotline has received 76,455 calls, of which 60% correspond to an emergency, said the Secretary for Women, Ingrid Gómez Saracíbar, within the framework of the presentation of the Guide Against Violence against women, at the Colegio de Bachilleres 3 in Iztacalco.

The head of Semujeres addressed the young people; “Here we believe them, we do not question their words and we accompany them throughout their process”, which is why they continue working on strategies that guarantee aid to this sector classified as vulnerable.

Ingrid Gómez, also explained that violence and inequality must be addressed at the rootfinding the causes, and is sought through this Guide for action in cases of violence.

The event was attended by educational authorities, Ernestina Godoy, head of the Attorney General’s Office (FGJ); the Undersecretary for Institutional Development of the SSC, Marcela Figueroa, and the President of the Citizen Council, Salvador Guerrero Chiprés, who emphasized that *765 will receive calls from students.

For her part, Ernestina Godoy Ramos said that “violence against women has not diminished and is reflected in whistles, leering looks, harassment and sexual abuse, requests for favors, rape and the most heinous of crimes: femicide”.

Gody pointed out that the Prosecutor’s Office organized a specialized care unit for upper secondary and higher education students, who can go to any of the Public Ministry agencies, in case of being a victim of violence, as well as to any of the Lunas, located in each mayor’s office

With what they intend to “give the opportunity for no one to remain silent and be attended to, besides that it is useless if the actions that are carried out are not reported, but we listen to themthe city attorney said.

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