Spain: Amnesty for Catalan separatists

by time news

2023-11-14 19:14:38

It is the second major political amnesty in the history of Spanish democracy. In 1977, the so-called “Pact of Forgetting” paved the peaceful transition to democracy. At that time, Spain refrained from atoning for the crimes of the civil war and dictatorship, and political prisoners were released. Now the law on “institutional, political and social normalization in Catalonia” is intended to heal the wounds of separatism and channel it into political channels.

Hans-Christian Rößler

Political correspondent for the Iberian Peninsula and the Maghreb based in Madrid; previously correspondent in Israel.

Negotiations with the Catalan separatists lasted almost three months, and the draft law was presented on Monday evening. This means that nothing stands in the way of the re-election of the socialist Pedro Sánchez, who has been in power since 2018. With the exception of a new independence referendum, the Catalan separatists were able to achieve almost all of their demands, although Carles Puigdemont’s Junts party and the ERC, which governs Catalonia, each contribute only seven MPs to the absolute majority, which Sánchez is expected to exceed by three votes.

#Spain #Amnesty #Catalan #separatists

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