Spain: Gavi summit discusses future of Africa

by time news

2023-06-14 01:07:00

The holding of a thematic panel related to the future of Africa, in which the Minister of Health, Sílvia Lutucuta, participated, marked the first day of the High Level Conference on the Impact of Vaccination, taking place until Thursday, in Madrid, capital from Spain.

During the panel, entitled “Africa tomorrow, health, prosperity and equality”, the Angolan official spoke about the country’s advances in this segment, highlighting, in particular, the Executive’s strategy to combat the Covid-19 pandemic.

The holder of the portfolio specified the various mechanisms used in Angola to access vaccines against Covid-19, with emphasis on the digital logistics platform for managing routine vaccines “Logistimo/IOTA”.

In her speech, Sílvia Lutucuta also spoke about the implementation of the National Vaccination Campaign against Measles, Polio and the administration of vitamin A.

He also highlighted the fact that Angola vaccinated around 2,560,000 children under 5 years old with an administrative coverage close to 90 percent and protected around 600,000 people against the Covid-19 pandemic.

Meanwhile, the first day of work was also marked by the intervention of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, José Albares, who highlighted the efforts of this country to boost the purchase of vaccines.

The official said, in his speech, that his country has made 230 million Euros available for the next three years, to ensure the well-being of other societies.

He explained that Spain has close cooperation with middle-income countries, where two thirds of people living in poverty reside, with a view to contributing to the prevention and eradication of pandemics in these states.

He recalled that that country on the Iberian Peninsula has, in recent years, made a commitment to COVAX (an initiative by the WHO, the Gavi Alliance and CEPI), which has made it possible to channel and donate 70 million euros, converted into vaccine doses.

In parallel with these two events, Gavi promoted, throughout the day, also in Madrid, other interaction forums with representatives of various multilateral organizations, governments, civil society, companies and universities.

At the center of the debates is the question of the future of world immunization, in particular the new sources of financing for vaccines, either by Spain or by Gavi (Global Alliance for Vaccines), the two co-organizers of the Madrid Conference.

According to the organizers, the second day should be marked by several thematic panels, with the expectation of an intervention, on Thursday, by the Angolan Head of State, João Lourenço, and an audience with Durão Barroso, leader of Gavi. FMA/AL

#Spain #Gavi #summit #discusses #future #Africa

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