Spain moves away from the goal of 190,000 electrified cars in 2023

by time news

2023-10-08 05:53:06

Registrations of electrified passenger cars (100% electric and plug-in hybrids) grew by 19.3% in the month of September in Spain, reaching 8,947 units, according to data from the Business Association for the Development and Promotion of Electric Mobility (Aedive ) and the National Association of Vehicle Sellers (Ganvam). In the accumulated year, electrified passenger car registrations increased by 46.4%, up to 81,967 units.

Despite this new increase, since ANFAC It is warned that Spain will be far from reaching the goal of 190,000 electrified units in 2023 and meeting the emissions reduction requirements.

According to José López-Tafall, general director of ANFAC, although the electrified vehicle is advancing in Spain “our market has a share of 12% of the total market, a figure that is far from the pace in Europe, which exceeds 20% and Portugal that reaches 28% share and continues to grow.

According to the manager, Spain is one of the countries that provides the most aid for the purchase of a 100% electric vehicle: up to 10,000 euros if we add the MOVES III plan and the deduction of 15% up to 3,000 euros for its purchase in personal income tax. «At ANFAC, we work together with the Government to continue the aid plans beyond December 31, 2023 when the MOVES III term ends. Not having aid for the purchase of zero-emission vehicles or the installation of charging points would represent a brake on electrification. A stoppage that would further deepen the distance between the locomotive that is Europe and the caboose in which we are, both in penetration of electrified vehicles and charging infrastructure.

Electricity grows 20.9%

Specifically, sales of 100% electric passenger cars reached 4,106 in September, with a year-on-year increase of 20.9%, and an annual cumulative total of 36,843 units, 70.4% more than in the first nine months of 2022.

For its part, registrations of plug-in hybrids grew by 18.1% in September compared to the same month of the previous year, with 4,931 units, and the accumulated figure increased by 31.3%, reaching 45,124 passenger cars sold.

In total, registrations of electrified vehicles of all types (passenger cars, two wheels, commercial and industrial vehicles) rose by 15.4% in September compared to the same month last year, reaching 10,588 units. In this way, they have accumulated an increase of 37.1% so far this year, with a total of 98,431 units.

By type of propulsion, sales of 100% electric vehicles grew by 13.1% in September, with a total of 5,638 units registered, and so far in 2023 they have registered an increase of 43%, to 52,993 units.

Specifically, registrations of electric mopeds registered a drop of 24.4% last month, with a total of 180 units sold, and until September, their sales grew by 5.5% compared to the same period of the previous year. , reaching 3,984 units.

Likewise, registrations of zero-emission motorcycles stood at 889 units in September, which represents 1.2% less compared to the same month last year, while so far this year, they have accumulated a decline of 22 .6%, reaching 6,157 registered units.

The data also shows that electric van registrations continue their upward trend and grew by 15.2% in September compared to the same month last year, reaching 440 units sold. So far this year, its sales have increased by 79.1%, with a total of 4,543 units.

For their part, plug-in hybrid vehicles grew by 18.1% in September compared to the same month in 2022, with a total of 4,950 units. So far this year, they have accumulated year-on-year growth of 30.9%, with 45,438 registrations.

#Spain #moves #goal #electrified #cars

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