Spaniards Protest Against Possible Amnesty for Catalan Separatists

by time news

Thousands of Spaniards Protest Against Possible Amnesty for Catalan Separatists

MADRID, Sept 24 (Reuters) – Tens of thousands of Spaniards took to the streets of Madrid on Sunday to protest against the possible plans by acting Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez to grant an amnesty to Catalan separatists in order to secure his position after failing to win the recent election.

The supporters of the opposition conservative People’s Party (PP) traveled from different parts of Spain to attend the rally in Madrid. Authorities estimated that around 40,000 people participated in the protest, waving Spanish flags as a symbol of their unity.

Sanchez, who came second in the July election, could stay in office if he gains the support of exiled former Catalonia leader Carles Puigdemont, whose Junts per Catalunya party controls seven seats in parliament. However, Puigdemont has demanded that legal action be dropped against fellow separatists as a condition for his support. This has sparked anger and frustration among those who oppose the amnesty.

Alberto Nunez Feijoo, the leader of the PP, which won the most votes in the July election, strongly opposes any amnesty for the organizers of the illegal 2017 independence referendum in Catalonia. Feijoo stated at the rally that he would never concede to the demands of “coup plotters” and called the amnesty proposal a betrayal of justice.

Gregorio Casteneda, a 72-year-old pensioner, traveled from Santander on Spain’s north coast to show his opposition to any amnesty. He told Reuters, “I am not in favour of the government that we have. To me this is a disaster because it is going to divide Spain totally.”

In response to the protests, Sanchez held his own political rally in Gava, near Catalonia’s regional capital Barcelona, on Sunday. While he did not directly mention an amnesty, Sanchez emphasized the Socialists’ commitment to healing social divisions over the Catalan crisis.

“We are trying to turn the page,” he told his supporters.

This is not the first time that Sanchez has faced criticism over his approach to the Catalan separatist issue. In 2021, he granted pardons to nine separatists jailed for their involvement in the independence push, which also sparked controversy and public outcry.

Feijoo will have the first opportunity to try and form a government on Sept. 27, but his chances of success are slim as the PP opposes any concessions to separatists. If Feijoo fails to secure enough support, Sanchez will have another chance to gather the necessary backing.

The situation remains tense as Spaniards continue to express their opposition and concerns over the potential amnesty for Catalan separatists. The division within the country highlights the complex nature of the Catalonia issue and the challenges faced by Spain’s political leaders.

Reporting by Graham Keeley
Additional reporting by Silvio Castellanos and Michael Gore
Editing by Peter Graff

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