SPED publishes version 9.0.2 of the program

by time news

The Public Digital Bookkeeping System (SPED) published version 9.0.2 of the Tax Accounting Bookkeeping (ECF) program. The update fixes the L210 register error (lines 98 and 99), in case of 2021 special situations.

Version 9.0.2 must be used for ECF file transmissions referring to the calendar year of 2022 and special situations of 2023, with the correction of the error in record L210 (lines 98 and 99), in the case of special situations of 2021.

The program must also be used for transmission of ECF referring to previous calendar years (layouts 1 to 8), whether original or rectifying.

The instructions for layout 9 can be found in the ECF Manual and in the PivotTables file.

Download version 9.0.2 ECF

The program is available at the link below.

The ECF Java version validator program can be used in the operating systems below, as long as the following instructions are obeyed:

1) Select the program according to the operating system, download and install it:

A) For Windows:


B) Para Linux:

SpedEcf_linux_x86-9.0.2.jar (32 bits)

SpedEcf_linux_x64-9.0.2.jar (64 bits)

To install, it is necessary to add execution permission, through the command “chmod +x SpedEcf_linux_x86-9.0.2.jar”, or “chmod +x SpedEcf_linux_x64-9.0.2.jar” or according to the Window Manager used.

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