Speech by Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema: 2024, one year (…) – Gabonews

by time news

2024-01-05 08:44:38

Speech by Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema: 2024, a year of reflection and hope

January 4, 2024

After the coup d’état of August 30 and his speech during his swearing-in in September 2023, the President of the Transition and Head of State, Brigadier General Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema stood before the Gabonese people, this 31 December 2023. The opportunity to address the population in a speech imbued with sincerity and hope.

Sitting at your desk and facing the camera, the exercise seems almost trivial. However, this is the first end-of-year speech from the President of the Transition, since the coup d’état of August 2023. A few books carefully arranged and right next to each other, the Charter of the Transition visible enough to remind all the political context of the country. The speech is sober, the year 2023 ends and gives way to 2024, a year of reflection and hope.

With his gaze fixed towards the camera, the first words of Brice Clotaire Oligui are addressed to God, because “ it is through him that Gabon, our dear homeland, exists and daily overcomes the obstacles of our era “, he specifies. As an ode to divine justice, the new boss of the seaside invites citizens to “ draw inspiration from the holy scriptures, which advocate love, unity and peace between the daughters and sons of the same nation “. As the Transition begins its first calendar year, it seems appropriate to put the divine at the center of this process, sometimes understood, sometimes misunderstood by a segment of the population.

From the Transition to structural reforms

« The year 2023 which is ending was a pivotal year in our march towards the happiness of a new Gabon », Recalls the President of the Transition. A year which saw Gabon free itself from the Bongo clan and led to the military taking responsibility for yet another betrayal. To make an impression, Brice Clotaire Oligui lists the various structural reforms undertaken in the sectors which facilitate access to education, training and health.

On the ground, the instruction given to the Ministry of Oil and Gas has already materialized. The price of gas in the Gabonese Republic has been revised downwards since January 1, 2024, from 5,950 FCFA to 4,950 FCFA, a reduction of 1,000 FCFA. Proof that the desire to do better, than in 14 years of Ali Bongo’s reign, led the CTRI to also initiate measures aimed at fighting the corruption which is plaguing Gabonese society.

Reason for self-satisfaction or mid-term assessment?

While the country is still exposed to certain sanctions, the coup has not caused it to lose credibility with donors. In addressing the Gabonese people, the Head of State continued to list the few notable achievements of his 4 months of management, a reason for self-satisfaction. Freezing and thawing recruitment to the public service, including the repair of certain roads, the CTRI has given itself the free will to lead this Transition. What appears to be a simple mid-term assessment is carefully accompanied by figures to measure the impact in such a short time. Brice Clotaire Oligui specifies that “ To date, 421 km of road have been paved with bitumen, bituminous concrete and paving stones. In just 4 months, we have made 8,900 budget positions available for the benefit of teachers, health personnel, public media professionals and the defense and security forces. ».

For the President of the Transition, the era of propagandistic speeches by former President Ali Bongo seems to be over. Now is the time for pragmatism and patriotism.

The objective remains the same: the restoration of the Institutions

« We cannot do everything in the first 100 days, nor in the first 1000, nor even during the entire Transition », He expressed himself in an insidious response to the detractors of this military management, who accuse him of wanting to do everything in two years and of moving away from his objective: that of the restoration of institutions. The Leader’s response to this rumor about the restitution of the Institutions has now been transformed into a real social project which should end in August 2025, the date of the next presidential election. For the CTRI, the conduct of current state affairs should not distance us from its main objective. It intends to continue, following citizen contributions, the organization of the national dialogue and the new Constitution, which will be drawn up by the Constituent Assembly and adopted by referendum.

The speech is already historic : it’s the first time that we have a face other than that of Bongo on December 31 behind the small screen. The General is multiplying announcements such as that on the creation of a national airline, the takeover of the oil company Assala, the launch, by February, of the payment of pension reminders for retirees, in short a vast seduction operation with a dose of pragmatism and realism.

In almost 15 minutes, the President of the Transition increased the audiences of the Gabon24 media, hosted within the Presidency. And to close it all, he reminds the Gabonese that “ Our fundamental fight is to consolidate our living together, and this resolutely requires a paradigm shift. Let’s think of Gabon first, let’s think of the community and those who bring us together, before wanting for our interests. »


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