Spid paid with Poste Italiane? Only a part. But the ….

by time news

Spid paid with Poste Italiane? Remote recognition via the Poste app remains free

It Spid (the Public Digital Identity System) with Italian post to pay? This is not entirely true. It will cost 12 euros to recognize in person and obtain the credentials carried out in one of the 12,700 Italian offices of the Italian Post Office.

It should be emphasized instead that the remote recognition via the Poste app, via audio or video with an electronic identity card or electronic passport continues to be free.

Meanwhile, the use of the Spid it is growing steadily: according to government data, as of 24 October they are almost 26 million digital identities distributed, marking an increase of 61.5% since the beginning of 2021. E among the managers of Spid, Poste Italiane is in first place. Based on data as of June 30, 2021, reported by Republic, the Del Fante’s group confirms itself as the first Italian digital identity manager, with a total of over 17 million SPIDs released (of which 5.3 activated in 2021).

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