Sport, Giorgetti closely marks Malagò. One of his men will be the deputy of Vezzali

by time news

Sport, Giorgetti closely marks Malagò. One of his men will be the deputy of Vezzali

The team of Valentina Vezzali, undersecretary for Sport of the Draghi government, recently appointed, has been enriched with a reinforcement. This is Michele Sciscioli, considered a very loyal of the owner of the Mise and right arm of Salvini, Giancarlo Giorgetti. The choice of the head of department – reads the Fatto Quotidiano – was the first, true, test case for the new undersecretary. And Sciscioli, who also has a personal relationship with her (they met when she was a director of FederScherma), is unequivocally linked to Giorge tti. Already at the time of the yellow-green government his appointment had been accompanied by a bit of mystery, due to the nothing related to sport and the scarce information on his curriculum, if not a master in “International affairs” and experience in Sogin ( the state-owned nuclear company), with a background in Russia. He is above all the technician who wrote the reform that was supposed to remove money and power from the Coni di Malagò in favor of the Sport and Health company, before being (in part) watered down by the latest “save-Coni” decree favored by Pd and Italy Viva.

After a year and a half he has already resettled a few days ago in his old place. The appointment of Sciscioli – continues the Fact – gives a first imprint to the mandate of Vezzali, suggests who suggested his name to Draghi. And it certainly won’t please Coni. Also on this occasion, as already for the chair of the secretariat (at that time the “dolphin” Diana Bianchedi was rejected), Malagò had one of his candidates, the councilor Carlo Presenti, apparently through the good offices of the former minister Franco Frattini. Immediately stopped. Evidently Giorgetti continues to watch over sport. From afar, in the Council of Ministers. And now also up close, with her man in Palazzo Chigi.

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