Sporting’s plan is to recover a goal

by time news

The lack of goal took forward to Abelard and now blocks the start-up of Ramírez’s Sporting. Neither with the Pitu method, nor with the new approach of the Canarian coach, the path to the goal is illuminated. Queipo has been the only one to see a rival frame in the four matches led so far by Miguel Ángel Ramírez between the Cup and the League. 360 minutes in which the team had 133 numerical superiority, between the match between Málaga and Leganés. He couldn’t even score. Nor chain too many opportunities. The goal is a reflection of what is beginning to become a deep problem.

The scarcity of goals translates into a balance of results as worrisome as having achieved only two league victories in three months adding the stages of Abelardo and Ramírez. Problems from before that are repeated now. The Canarian coach attributed the absence of goals in Butarque to “lack of punch”. Beyond the fact that the team saw the game plan conditioned by the goal from Leganés as soon as it started and the expulsion of Gaku Shibasaki halfway through the first part, the feeling is that, in addition to finishing, it is also difficult to create situations.

The search for regularity It seems the first challenge that the new Sporting coach wants to consolidate. 4 points out of 9 possible in the League have served, so far, to slightly fatten the cushion of three points away with the relegation that he assumed upon his arrival. They are not enough, neither by number nor by sensations, to believe, for the moment, in a comeback. Sporting is still immersed in a process of meeting again in a game very different from the one sought by Abelardodespite the fact that the model with five defenders was the last used by Pitu and the one that the Canarian coach has repeated.

In Leganés, Miguel Ángel Ramírez recognized that the proposal with a defense of five has a lot to do with seeking stability: building his idea based on defensive security. “To be solid behind to grow in other aspects”, he summed up. The truth is that the Cup, with only one day of work before at the helm of Sporting, was the only game in which the rojiblancos were badly outmatched at the back (0-4). In the League, in the same way that they have scored a single goal, they have also received only onethe one of Juan Muñoz in Butarque. In search of balance, the technician has already warned that the drawing “is not immovable”.

Con cheese As the only “goal man” since the debut of Miguel Ángel Ramírez, the five forwards of the squad have had their moments in each of the four games led by the coach of the Gijón team. campuzano is the one that has had the greatest confidence, followed by Duke. Milo has only been used in Cup, while Cristo He was seen in Butarque in a new position for him, that of the interior. The last to join has been Jeraldino, who had a clear shot to debut with a goal in his debut. The blockage above is evident and the solution is still not found. What is clear is that Ramírez’s Sporting plan involves, one way or another, recovering a goal.

The club studies resorting to the two reds

Sporting will decide today whether to appeal the reds seen by Jony and Guille against Leganés. The club will examine the images of the match again to assess whether it presents allegations or claims in this regard. Jony saw a direct red card for “ostensibly protesting” on the way to the locker room at halftime, according to the referee’s record. In the case of Guille, he also saw the direct red card in the final stages of the match when he knocked down Arnaiz in “an obvious chance of scoring,” says the referee in the minutes.

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