Sprilur gives 21 million to Gipuzkoa to rehabilitate industrial buildings

by time news

2023-11-10 02:00:00

Friday, November 10, 2023, 01:00


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Sprilur, the public industrial land management company of the Basque Government, will invest a total of 21 million euros in Gipuzkoa this year for the rehabilitation and construction of new business buildings. An amount greater than the 18 million that will be allocated to Bizkaia and the 15 million that Araba will receive, for a total budget throughout 2023 that amounts to 54 million euros, according to data released yesterday by the organization. In total there will be 23 tenders published throughout the Basque Country corresponding to works, drafting of projects and services

Sprilur will pay special attention to the preferential action areas that are currently made up of Oarsoaldea in Gipuzkoa, Enkarterri and Ezkerraldea in Bizkaia, and Araialdea in Álava, although no action is planned in this last area during 2023. Eibar, Bidasoaldea and Urretxu will be others Guipuzcoan areas that will receive help from the public management company.

In Gipuzkoa, construction has begun on a new building for tertiary use in the Erisono industrial estate in Eibar measuring 5,905 square meters, which will house nearly 50 stores and offices on four floors. For its part, Bidasoa Oarsoko Industrialdea, SA, owned by Sprilur, the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, the City Council of Irun and the town councils of Errenteria, Lezo, Oiartzun and Pasaia, through the regional development agency, Oarsoaldea, SA, has started the construction works of 10,416 square meters of new modular warehouses. In Urretxu, the demolition phase of the buildings with a constructed area of ​​9,741 square meters has begun.

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