Stalking victims sue Apple: AirTags are so dangerous | Life & Knowledge

by time news

2023-10-26 12:46:37

Apple’s Airtag has conquered the world of technology in the storm.

This mini tracking device undoubtedly has many advantages when it comes to finding lost or stolen items. But the AirTag also has dark sides.

In the USA, 40 stalking victims are now taking legal action against Apple. The group did not take sufficient protective measures to prevent misuse. The charges include:

The lawsuit runs nearly 140 pages and contains disturbing accounts of the victims’ experiences.

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The dark side of the AirTag

In numerous cases, women report that their ex-partners have been designed and persecuted using the small device. One particularly disturbing incident involved a mother and her daughter who were tracked through an AirTag and then observed and followed. In another case, a tracker was found in the sole of the son’s shoe, placed by the criminal stepfather.

AirTags were hidden in the victims’ cars, for example between the seats or stuck to the underside of the car. Besonders schockierend ist der Fall einer Frau, die ihren Freund aus Eifersucht über einen AirTag verfolgte und schließlich mit ihrem Auto anfuhr. The man was fatally injured.

Apple responds to criticism

Apple has responded to criticism surrounding its AirTags and made some changes to increase security. Seit ihrer Markteinführung hat das Unternehmen mehrere Maßnahmen ergriffen, um die Missbrauchsmöglichkeiten der kleinen Tracker einzuschränken.

Users who install an AirTag will now receive a clear warning that secretly tracking other people is strictly prohibited. In addition, it should be noted that each AirTag is linked to the user’s Apple ID, which ensures a certain level of traceability. The AirTags have also been equipped with a louder warning tone that activates when the technology detects signs of unauthorized tracking. This warning tone not only serves as a protective mechanism, but also as a warning to potential victims. The message is clear: Be careful, you are carrying an AirTag with you. Apple has also developed its own alert app designed to detect trackers and protect potential stalking victims.

Apple must respond to allegations

Despite these measures, Apple is currently under pressure. The class action lawsuit in the US makes serious allegations and the company now has a week to respond to these allegations. Apple is expected to dismiss the lawsuit.

App users can access the survey here: Do you use AirTags?

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