State of emergency in Cienfuegos because of dengue outbreak – 2024-05-27 11:41:07

by times news cr

2024-05-27 11:41:07

Within the final hours, Cubans denounced that the Abreus municipality of the province of Hundred fires is in a “state of emergency” because of a dengue outbreak.

Based on the report on social networks, the state of affairs is critical, and there are not any medicines to cut back fever for sick folks.

“Abreus Municipality of Cienfuegos in State of Emergency because of dengue outbreak. There are not any medicines to cut back fever.”wrote the Fb person, often called Saúl Manuel.

Within the feedback of the publication, many Cubans have been alarmed by this case, which provides to the numerous issues that the communist island has, together with shortages of meals, medication and fixed energy outages.

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“They’re going to kill us all with starvation, with ailments, with out medicines, and with blackouts”indicated Dania Valdés.

“My God, how lengthy will the folks proceed to endure a lot distress for Homeland and Life,” added Bárbara Milanés.

“The best way the state of affairs is, that could be very critical,” added Isis Ro.

It’s value remembering that, months in the past, a dengue outbreak was reported in San Andrés, in Holguín, during which at the very least 75 p.c of the inhabitants of that city was being affected. Most households have at the very least one member sick with this ailment.

Likewise, the state of affairs was worsened by the shortage of water, the buildup of rubbish and the scarcity of fundamental assets to stop and deal with the illness.

Neighbors complained that there are not any medicines or provides to alleviate the signs of dengue, an issue that spreads all through the island.

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Editorial Cubans across the World

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