On Tuesday, Ukrainian forces crossed the Russian border into the Kursk region. Russian military bloggers claimed that this was a full-fledged attack by Ukrainian forces. According to unverified Russian reports, Ukrainian units are moving towards the city of Suja in the Kursk region, where people have demanded their evacuation.
Blogger Aleksandr Sladkov stated that “Ukrainians invaded 10 km into Russian territory.” According to various bloggers, the Ukrainian forces consist of 900 to 2 thousand men. According to military bloggers, there were not many Russian units in the border region, so it was not difficult for Ukrainian fighters to break through there.
Russian President Vladimir Putin also reacted to the events, saying that Ukraine was carrying out a “large-scale provocation” in the Kursk region. He testified that the Ukrainians were “indiscriminately firing various types of weapons, including rockets, at civilian buildings, residential houses and ambulances.”
Meanwhile, as Russian attacks continue, a Ukrainian military expert warned of a difficult situation for Ukrainians in the direction of Torecko. Torecko’s direction is complicated, he said.
“The enemy is trying to attack from two directions – from the direction of New York and Torecko, as well as from the direction of Severnoja - Železnoja. These settlements are connected by a railway. The enemy is trying to cross the railway at Severna. Next are the waste piles, which the enemy is trying to capture, because they are strategically important for Torecki to attack,” the military expert explained.
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