Strain. The Government is evaluating a cut in subsidies to union social works and put the CGT on alert

by times news cr

As a kind of response after the general strike on the 24th of last month that activated the CGTthe Government began to look more closely at the subsidies received by union social works and evaluates a cut in distribution which is implemented from the Superintendence of Health Services (SSS), in charge today of Gabriel Oriolo after the abrupt displacement of the macrista Enrique Rodríguez Chiantore, who had the endorsement of the unions.

Versions emerged from the Government that the president Javier Miley It would cut the subsidies that union social works receive from the State. However, the Presidency informed THE NATION that, strictly speaking, only “the preparation of a report on all these funds” was requested to analyze their operation.

The analysis of the funds and their possible derivations with a possible interruption is part of the logic that the Government of “cutting off the middlemen” between state contributions and their beneficiariessomething that is also sought at the level of the social area in terms of food plans and deliveries for canteens.

In the Casa Rosada they argued that the objective is to arrive with the benefit directly to those who need it. In the case of social works, it would be the workers who contribute to the system. The box that represents ehe Solidarity Redistribution Fund (FSR), a true treasure for the unions, is financed with the mandatory contribution that is withheld monthly from registered workers from their salaries. Through the FSR, transportation and education services for the disabled are financed, among other items that the current administration would consider cutting.

The request for reports from the Presidency arises at a time of tension with the governors and a good part of the opposition, but at the same time with the unions that on January 24, 45 days after the new administration began, imposed a general strike with mobilization. The analysis of the funds received by union social works and their possible derivations thus add a new point of conflict for the Executive Branch.

José Luis Lingeri, Secretary of Social Action of the CGT and the leader who knows best about social works in the workers’ confederation, explained to THE NATION that in 2023 there was a commitment by the government of Alberto Fernandez to deliver 132,000 million pesos to cover the additional expenses to those incurred by the union social works, but that the sum of 70,000 million pesos was only completed in January 2024 and then no more was paid, so they are already in the red. That is, the unions claim a shortfall of $62,000 million. “The outlook is very uncertain,” said Lingeri, head of the AySA state union and a long-time ally of Sergio Massa and his wife, Malena Galmarini. Lingeri explained that the lack of these resources could impact the provision of disability benefits, one of the most expensive in the health plan.

The unions are preparing to face the eventual measure, and the crisis in social works has long been the subject of internal debate in the CGT.

Sturzenegger, with the unions in his sights

“There is a status quo that created a system to extract rents in its favor. “The Peronist party is a conservative party, made up of interest groups, that seek to appropriate income from the rest of society,” he said. Federico Sturzenegger, ideologue of many of the reforms promoted by the libertarian government. It was in a presentation by the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, which belongs to Harvard University and was called: “The disruptive presidency of Javier Milei: How far can it go?”

Federico Sturzenegger, invited to a seminar at Harvard University

In his presentation, Sturzzeneger stated: “There is a status quo that created a system to extract rents in its favor. The Peronist party is a conservative party, made up of interest groups, that seek to appropriate income from the rest of society.”. After which he added: “We cannot normalize things like unions taking 4 or 4.5% of a worker’s salary.”. Or that buying clothes in Argentina is some of the most expensive in the world. Or in fishing, where there are few players who pay few royalties. How to change it? If they control the media, the streets, Congress through the lobby. One possibility is to impoverish interest groups. Drain resources. If you do it you have a chance to beat them. Deregulation is a political program to change the power structure and where resources go. (Interest groups) appropriate salaries and taxes, particularly from the poor.”

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