Struggle of the Titans in the Republican Party

by time news

2023-05-28 06:04:42

The danger of feeding (or baiting, as we say in journalistic jargon) the announcement of information is that the public’s expectations can reach unsuspected levels, and then you have to live up to it to emerge triumphant. So the technical problems that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis faced this week in launching his 2024 presidential bid via Twitter have not been a great start to his journey to the White House. The Republican had been waiting for weeks for the best moment to capture the country’s attention, and he has achieved it, but not as he expected due to a large number of technical failures in his tweet event. Now many are wondering if this is a prelude to what will be his pre-campaign for the Republican candidacy or if, on the contrary, DeSantis is the man who will defeat the hitherto politically untouchable Donald Trump.also favorite in all polls.

In his favor, he plays the fact that he is the best option for the anti-Trump forces within the Republican Party, a trend that has been growing in the shadows in recent months at the same rate that the former president’s legal problems were known. Now that DeSantis has officially entered the presidential race, it will be necessary to see if his numbers take flight and approach those of the tycoon, who, by the way, was his great mentor. “Trump has the advantage in the Republican primaries”, explain to THE REASON Brett Burnhama former White House official who worked with Joe Biden when he was vice president during Barack Obama’s term, “however, we are still quite far away and there are many factors that could change. DeSantis seems to have lost a lot of support, and I see more possible than another Republican candidate like Nikki Haley o Mike Pence (Trump’s “ticket” partner during his presidency) attract the vote of Republicans who want any option other than Trump.”

Surely this will become clearer after the interview in prime time that the CNN television network will carry out with the former US vice president on June 7. “Democrats would be very happy to have Trump as the Republican nominee. DeSantis would be a more difficult option because he does not have the complicated image of Trump, “explains the former official. They would also be difficult opponents for the Democrats “Tim Scott, Nikki Haley or Mike Pence because they could attract the support of independents.”

From the Republican National Committee they do not rule on a favorite and they are clear that the important thing is that “our party presents different options, tendencies, leaderships to give our supporters the alternative of choosing the one that seems best to them,” he explains to LA RAZÓN jamie florez, Hispanic communications director for the Republican National Committee. “Unlike the Democratic Party, where there’s only one option, and it’s not necessarily the best one, given that you’re dealing with a president with very low approval ratings.” Florez emphasizes that their obligation “is to remain impartial while we organize the structure of the primary election process, encouraging our voters to register as Republicans in a timely manner, so that they can vote in the primaries in each of the states. We are also promoting a broad electoral integrity campaign, with thousands of electoral observers and witnesses throughout the country, duly trained and prepared to guarantee that the elections will be clear and transparent.

DeSantis needs more support from his party (Trump has four times more endorsements from members of Congress than during the 2016 primary cycle), and winning Iowa or New Hampshire, which has historically driven the choice of the candidate who wins the votes there. They are two decisive states in which the Republican from Florida is showing good results in the polls, despite trailing behind Trump. But he has to play his cards carefully. He cannot directly attack the former president because there is still a large part of the population that supports him, but he has already made it clear among his donors that his opponent “cannot win.” Besides, He also has age in his favor, 44 years old compared to Trump’s 76. Among the obstacles he faces are a lack of charisma, “a humorless person” who “has a hard time building relationships with others,” noted “The Washington Post” columnist Paul Waldman.

His radical decisions are a double-edged sword and the national export of his conservative model has thrown back some and made others fall in love, without half measures. DeSantis has confronted the giant Disney over the controversial “Don’t Say Gay” law, has banned talking about sexual orientation in schools, has created the toughest law in the country against illegal immigration and has restricted abortion and limited reassignment operations sexual. He has also expanded the death penalty and the right to bear arms, and his latest announcement this week has been to promise to prioritize pardons for “victims” of “political targets,” including those accused of the Capitol attacks. on January 6, including the founder of Oath Keeperswho just received an 18-year prison sentence for the assault.

#Struggle #Titans #Republican #Party

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