Struggle to locate missing youth

by time news

The investigations of the authorities in the river Acheloos, in the area of ​​Messolonghi, are continuing to locate a 26-year-old Nepalese citizen, who has been missing since yesterday.

With the first light of day, the investigations continued Acheloos riverin his area Messolonghito locate a young man, who went fishing at the mouth of the river, in the area of ​​Katochia, at noon on Saturday (27/1), and has been missing ever since.

Firefighters, a rapid water team of the 6th EMAK and a team of Unmanned Aircraft Systems of Western Greece, together with police officers, are on foot to locate the 26-year-old, while according to MEGA, the investigations are also participating in “Echo“, the dog he spotted the body of 31-year-old Babis Koutsikos.

For the big business that has been set up, he has already been informed area dam managerto stop the flow of water, in order to lower its level.

The 26-year-old, originally from Nepalas his partner, who was with him in Acheloos, reportedly stated, dived to bathe in the river and was swept away by the waters.

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According to another testimony, the young man was seen at one point waving his hands, as reported by ANT1 on Saturday night (27/01).

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