Student dies after eating reheated pasta

by time news

2023-09-19 15:23:27

The death of a 20-year-old student who died a few hours after eating a plate of reheated pasta prompts a doctor to issue an important warning.

The young Belgian, known as AJ, decided to eat spaghetti bolognese cooked five days ago, BirminghamLive reports. Then he went to play sports with his friends.

But soon he began to have health problems. Thirty minutes after ingesting his pasta, he felt stomach pain, started vomiting, had headaches and diarrhea.

Rather than seeing a doctor, sick, he preferred to go to bed. It was his parents who, being informed that he had not shown up for his classes, discovered AJ dead the next day, reports Mirror.

The autopsy revealed that the young man died during the night, around ten hours after eating his spaghetti. AJ succumbed to hepatic necrosis as well as acute pancreatitis.

AJ’s sad case was featured in the Journal of Clinical Microbiology and the one who presents himself as Dr Bernard on Youtube wanted to warn the population.

“A lot of people eat pasta or other noodles that are one or two days old, and that’s OK. But be careful with foods that are left out for longer periods of time. If your leftovers smell funny, it’s better to be safe than sorry,” says the man who presents himself as a specialist, according to BirminghamLive. So don’t eat them.

As for AJ, post-mortem analyzes of his stool revealed the presence of Bacillus cereus, a pathogen that can contaminate food.

Samples of the remains of his spaghetti sent to the National Reference Laboratory for Foodborne Infections (NRLFO) also revealed the significant presence of Bacillus cereus.

#Student #dies #eating #reheated #pasta

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