Student grants: the government plan which will allow upgrades in September

by time news

This represents an increase of 37 euros per month for all scholarship students. The Minister of Higher Education Sylvie Retailleau announced, this Wednesday, March 29, an increase in the amount of student grants to the tune of more than 500 million additional euros. An envelope that will allow 35,000 new students to become scholarship holders from the start of the school year next September.

These measures expected since the beginning of the year, which is part of the fight against student precariousness and in a context of mobilization of young people against the pension reform, will make it possible to “increase the amount of scholarships for all levels of 37 euros per month (i.e. 370 euros / year), “said Sylvie Retailleau during a press conference, welcoming” the strongest increase in 10 years, for all students “.

These announcements are the result of a consultation led since October by the minister with several student unions, who were demanding the creation of a universal education allowance. An expected reform which is also in line with the work of the National Council for Refoundation (CNR) for youth, led by Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne as part of the “Matignon Youth Meetings”, as France info recalls.

“Ending Threshold Effects”

For these 35,000 new recipients of student scholarships, “the annual gain will be 1,450 euros of scholarship (paid over 10 months), accompanied by the associated advantages (exemption from registration fees and CVEC, meal at 1 euro, priority for CROUS housing)”, is detailed in a press release from the ministry.

“We are allowing 140,000 current scholarship holders (about 20% of the total number of scholarship holders) to switch to a higher scholarship level, taking better account of their family situation. This represents an increase in their scholarship amount for them from 66 euros per month to 127 euros per month”, adds this press release from Higher Education.

Thanks to these measures, the ministry hopes to “put an end to the threshold effects”. “At the start of the 2023 school year, no student will see their scholarship decrease by an amount greater than the increase in their parents’ income: we are neutralizing the effects of thresholds this year, while waiting to remove them in a permanent way”, advances the ministry.

This is a first step in the reform of stock exchanges. A second stage should take place in September 2024. Until then, “the consultation will continue until the summer in order to continue to build the structural changes to our scholarship system”.

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