Students are decorating the police box with colors, painting the city

by times news cr

Students Paint Structures, Control Traffic in Dhaka

August 9,‌ 2024, 7:44 ⁤AM

The Mirpur 2⁤ police ‍box was targeted ⁤during the ongoing student movement⁤ against discrimination. ⁣Now, students are painting various structures, including the police⁢ box itself. The intricate calligraphy and graffiti‍ have captivated people of all ages.

Under ⁤the scorching ⁢sun, students gripped paintbrushes in one hand and picks in the other. Sweat dripped down their ‌bodies, but⁣ their spirits remained high.

Following⁢ the fall of the ‍Sheikh Hasina government, similar incidents occurred during⁤ Dhaka’s victory celebrations. Walls⁤ throughout the city were defaced ⁣with political slogans and advertisements.

Since Tuesday, students have been painting walls and structures. Their cleaning and artistic endeavors have continued for three days. Students from various universities, colleges, and schools converged on the area to contribute to the calligraphy project.

Students have adorned the city ‌walls with⁤ a diverse palette of​ colors, including‌ black, white, red, blue, yellow. Some ⁣students even donned cotton gloves. Others ⁤offered their assistance. Some walls featured patriotic songs, others had verses from‍ renowned poets like Shamsoor Rahman and the rebel poet.‌ A ‌sense of triumph permeated the air.

Dhaka residents have warmly‍ embraced ⁢these student initiatives. Many ⁢passers-by paused to witness the students’ energy‌ and ‍enthusiasm.

Furthermore, in the past two days, Ansar forces members and​ students have volunteered at traffic signals throughout the ⁣city. Volunteers guide​ pedestrians and drivers, ensuring⁣ smooth traffic flow. ‍They‌ have ​also enforced traffic regulations, earning‌ the appreciation of both pedestrians and drivers.

“There’s order on the road now. The students are working,” said​ a⁢ local.

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