Study: The foundations of life on Earth may have come from space | Science and Technology | The latest discoveries and studies from DW Arabic | DW

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A team led by scientists from Hokkaido University in Japan has discovered organic compounds that may form the backbone of the DNA and RNA molecules common to all life as we know it.

Using new and highly sensitive analysis techniques for these meteorites, the researchers analyzed three of them that were rich in carbon: the Murchison meteorite that fell in Australia in 1969, the Murray meteorite that fell in Kentucky in 1950, and the Lake Tagish meteorite that fell to Earth in 2000, and landed in Colombia British.

“We detected a variety of pyrimidine-type nucleic acid bases and their structural analogues (the building blocks of nucleic acids that assemble together to form long chains of genetic information) from an extract obtained from the Murchison meteorite,” the team wrote in the paper.

It is known that the backbone of DNA and RNA “consists of a chain of sugars added to it phosphorous. live.

Astronomers believe that meteorites and asteroids were present in the early stages of the formation of the solar system or even before that, and that their content of carbon materials and nucleic acid bases had appeared in them through photochemical reactions between different materials orbiting in space

The scientists added in the study published in the journal Nature Communications that experiments that simulated how the contents of space materials reached Earth and spread, suggested the existence of many nucleic acid bases outside the planet, and that these organic compounds already exist not only in extraterrestrial environments, but It may also exist outside the solar system.

The authors of the study suggest that during the period when the planet was bombarded with huge quantities of meteorites in the early period of the planet’s life, i.e. approximately 4 to 3.8 billion years ago, it is possible that these basic materials arrived with these meteorites, “Therefore, the flow of such Organic matter may have played an important role in the chemical evolution of the early Earth,” the study says.

Scientists are waiting for more information and details that the space mission will send OSIRIS-REx Which collects samples from the famous asteroids Ryugu and Bennu, which are also believed to contain carbon compounds. The samples will allow researchers to determine the accuracy and seriousness of the idea that the first building blocks of life arrived on Earth through meteorites.

Emad Hassan

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