Sudan: irresponsibility is the limit of crime!

by time news

2023-04-17 22:10:09

Dr.. The intercessor is Khidr Saeed
In the eighteenth century, in the face of religious wars and sectarian violence in France, the French thinker Voltaire (1694-1778) issued his medicinal cry, “Crush the shame!” And today in Sudan, the great innovator and educator, the Sudanese people, launched the same cry and added to it, “Protect your revolution and open windows of hope!” The limit has reached, and the catastrophe has occurred, after the clouds of worries saturated with hatred, war and hardship inspired the clouds of Sudan, and after the disease of “kunkashah” in the chairs of power managed from the rulers of yesterday, the custodian of the coalition of corruption and tyranny, who were overthrown by the people, so they deafened their ears to the voice of reason and deafened To return to the thrones of government, even at the expense of the blood of the spilled people. It is the stench that announced today its expansion and expansion to burn and destroy, not only in the outskirts of the country, but in its center and its capital, Khartoum.
It is true that the failure of previous transitional periods in Sudan led to military coups, even after short democratic periods that were also a failure of the transitional periods, which Sudanese political literature has been referring to as the vicious circle. However, it is clear that the manifestations of the evil circle today are qualitatively different from their manifestations in the past. We have alerted and warned dozens of times, as have others, that the failure of the current transitional period in Sudan will not suffice with calling for a military coup, but will throw the country into a catastrophe in the abyss of civil war that does not remain or leave. This is what is happening now at the very moment in which we are writing this article, and it is a moment saturated with an atmosphere surrounded by the darkness of the day after the power outage, and penetrated by the sound of artillery and rocket shells, some of which fell in residential neighborhoods, leaving dead and injured people who thought that they were safe in their homes. This catastrophic situation, whose first spark erupted this morning, Saturday, April 15, 2023, between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces, was expected and expected, and only the short-sighted brute is surprised and surprised by its occurrence. For several years now, the country has been suffering from a state of political liquidity due to the fragmentation, division, disorientation and lack of mutual recognition among the political and military elites, a situation in which the elites reached an extreme that made many describe it as a crime against the homeland, especially since the state of liquidity This was expected, as always, to end in disaster. And when this situation is coupled with the explosive situation as a result of the bloody tribal and ethnic conflicts in different parts of the country, which have all the reasons for their spread as a fire for the homeland, and all of this is coupled with the escalating friction between the leadership of the Sudanese army and the leadership of the Rapid Support Forces, the disaster jumped this time from being a military coup to erupting into a civil war Staff complete.

A national mechanism must be formed that includes the leaders of all political forces, armed movements, civil society, youth forces, resistance committees and personalities. national

We wrote a month ago from now that the escalation of quarrels and frictions, both overt and covert, between the leadership of the Sudanese Armed Forces and the leadership of the Rapid Support Forces, even if it is still limited to verbal friction, is that war begins with words. Because of these quarrels and frictions between the two parties, and each party’s endeavor to win with its allies, and with the deaf dialogue tightening its grip on the political relations between the civil components among themselves, and the military among them, and between the civil and the military, which are supposed to address the leadership and protection of the transitional period, and with the reinforcement of the already existing doubts For the average citizen, the criterion for the differences between these components is the seat of power and the private interest, and not the interest of the homeland or in favor of implementing the slogans of the revolution and the tasks of the transitional period, and in light of the fact that weapons are spread outside the regular forces, and that the country, and specifically the capital, has become a barracks for several armies and militias, the danger The raid will not only affect the transitional period, but the entire country, and soon the country will enter the stateless stage, and scenarios of destruction that will ignite the homeland’s fire will nest in it, which is what its first chapter began.
We also wrote, We will not need much trouble to say that there are forces, inside and outside Sudan, working consciously and planning to create the appropriate atmosphere and conditions for the realization of these destructive scenarios. As for what is the interest of these forces and what will they benefit from, our direct and intuitive answer is to brake the train of change and abort the December 2018 revolution, starting with an attempt to portray it as if it was a mistake, or that it was carried out by mere young activists in politics who do not understand its paths.
A decisive pause must be taken so that the homeland does not fall. It is an imposition, not an imposition of sufficiency! And the country’s current situation requires all of us, as our consciences and minds dictate to us, and in response to the calls of the martyrs of our great revolution, to renounce fragmentation, fragmentation and power struggles, and to start building a broad civil front against the war and against the disaster, and in order to return the transitional period to its right track.
In this context, we see the need to provide all practical support for the patriotic and courageous step that took place today at the Sudanese Journalists Syndicate House, despite the rumble of bullets, where a group of trade union bodies met and agreed to confront attempts to create discord in the country, and to stand against war and security chaos, and we hope that you will take the initiative All the components of the forces of the December revolution to support this step. The fact that military leaders allowed war to break out is the height of irresponsibility, which amounts to a crime and requires accountability.
As for the way out, first crush the shame and stop the war! After that, we are still in our view of forming a national mechanism that includes the leaders of all political forces, armed movements, civil society, youth forces, resistance committees, and national personalities, with the exception of the henchmen of the defunct regime and its new banners, in order to choose the leadership of the transitional period, the head of state and the prime minister, on the basis of integrity, eligibility, and competence. political and executive capacity, and away from any political concessions or quotas, then the mechanism continues to undertake the tasks of legislation, oversight and accountability. As for the political and partisan leaders, their place is the national mechanism, and the military leaders are replaced by their regular institutions and the National Security and Defense Council.

Arab Quds

#Sudan #irresponsibility #limit #crime

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