Suicide: how to react when a person evokes his desire to end it?

by time news

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According to the WHO, one person commits suicide every 40 seconds.

France has one of the highest suicide rates in Europe. According to the latest monthly mental health bulletin, published in March 2022, suicide attempts among young people and adolescents have only increased. Between January and March 2022, emergency room visits for attempted suicide among 15-24 year olds jumped 27% compared to last year. In three months, this represents 6,400 emergency room visits. Suicide spares no region, no age group.

How to define a suicidal crisis? How do you react when someone talks about suicide?

  • Dr Marie-Claude Gavard, psychiatrist, psychotherapist, psychoanalyst in Paris. Author of the book But what’s going on in my head ? published by Marabout

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