Summary of the Sabbath: The opinion of the ombudsman regarding the appointment of Aryeh Deri to the minister

by time news

Report: The opinion of the ombudsman stated that Deri cannot be appointed as a minister
Confrontation between the ombudsman and the emerging government: Legal adviser to the government, attorney Gali Beharev Miara, submitted an opinion to Prime Minister-designate Binyamin Netanyahu, according to which Shas chairman Aryeh Deri cannot be appointed a minister without the approval of the chairman of the election commission, it was reported yesterday (Friday) at 12 news.

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According to the report, the ombudsman answered last Thursday to Netanyahu on the subject, and wrote to him: “In my opinion, I understand actual imprisonment as a suspended sentence, I do not accept your legal construction, the section states that a person sentenced to imprisonment cannot serve as a minister unless the chairman of the election committee He will determine that there is no scandal. You need to go to the chairman of the election committee Judge Amit and ask him to determine whether or not there is scandal.”

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Aryeh Deri at Rabbi Shalom Cohen’s funeral (Photo: Yonatan Zindel Flash 90)

Report in Syria: Four soldiers were killed in an Israeli attack
In Syria it was claimed this morning (Saturday) that an Israeli airstrike took place in the country in which four Syrian soldiers were killed and one was wounded. According to the report, the attack was on several positions in the coastal and central areas of Syria.

As a reminder, this is a report of another attack in the country this week, after two Syrian soldiers were killed and three wounded in an Israeli attack aimed at sites of the Iranian militias in Syria, near the city of Homs. It was also reported that the attack was carried out against the Shairat airport, which belongs to the Syrian Air Force and was even used by Russia.

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Attack in Syria in broad daylight (Photo: Arab Networks)Attack in Syria in broad daylight (Photo: Arab Networks)

Britain in an unprecedented warning: “The nuclear threat from Iran is greater than ever before”
In a speech at an international security conference in Bahrain, British Foreign Minister James Calverley warned today (Saturday) that “Iran’s nuclear threat is greater than ever.” In addition, he accused the regime in Tehran of “spreading bloodshed and destruction throughout the world.”

He warned that Iranian-supplied weapons threaten security in the Middle East and beyond, pointing to the Iranian-made attack drones used by Russia to target Ukraine’s civilian infrastructure as an example of its influence.

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The Revolutionary Guards in Iran (Photo: Reuters)The Revolutionary Guards in Iran (Photo: Reuters)

The protests in Iran are escalating: Khomeini’s house was set on fire, protesters killed members of the Revolutionary Guards
The protests in Iran are escalating: according to reports and videos published on social networks in recent days, it seems that the hijab protest that broke out in Iran following the death in custody of the young woman Mahsa Amini is far from abating and is even escalating. In the videos, you can see a raging fire in the retirement home of the late founder of the Islamic Republic, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, which was apparently started by protesters.

At the same time, it was reported that demonstrators began to attack the Revolutionary Guard forces that are working to suppress the demonstrations. According to the Revolutionary Guards’ news site, two intelligence agents were killed in clashes with protesters on Thursday night. It was also said that three members of the Revolutionary Guards and a member of the Basij militia were killed in Tehran, two members of the Basij militia were killed in Mashhad, and one Basij and one police member were killed in Kurdistan.

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Hijab protest: Khomeini’s house was set on fire in Iran (Reuters)

Historic step: Azerbaijan announced that it will open an embassy in Israel
Yesterday (Friday), the Azerbaijani parliament made a historic decision on the opening of the Azerbaijani embassy in Israel. The embassy, ​​which is expected to open in Tel Aviv, will be the first embassy in Israel of a Muslim country where the majority and government are Shiites.

Prime Minister Yair Lapid said: “I welcome the decision of the Parliament of Azerbaijan to open an embassy in Israel. Azerbaijan is an important partner of Israel and home to one of the largest Jewish communities in the Muslim world.”

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Gantz in Azerbaijan (Photo: Ministry of Defense)Gantz in Azerbaijan (Photo: Ministry of Defense)

The drama on Twitter continues: “The company is collapsing, it is not clear if it will survive the weekend”
The storm caused by Elon Musk on Twitter continues to expand: thousands of employees resigned from the company following Musk’s ultimatum, which required the employees to choose whether they wanted to continue with him in the company or resign. The number of departures was greater than expected, including several “legendary” engineers, and now the social network finds itself in great danger – with some employees fearing that it “will not survive the weekend”.

After the dramatic night of closing the offices, it seems that only about 1,200 people remain in the company, which until two weeks ago had 7,500 employees. An internal survey conducted among 180 employees revealed that 42 percent of them “choose to go on vacation.” Only 7 percent answered that they were “hardcore” as Musk demanded they be in the email he distributed. Musk himself wrote on Twitter late Thursday that he was not worried about resignations because “the best people stay.”

Musk, as mentioned, ordered the closure of the company’s offices until Monday for fear of “sabotage” by the employees. Even when they reopen, it is not clear how the popular media will function without 80 percent of the engineers and entire support teams that disappeared. “It is not clear whether Twitter will be back on its feet after this weekend,” the company estimated.

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Elon Musk and Twitter (Photo: Reuters)Elon Musk and Twitter (Photo: Reuters)

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