“Super Green Me”, the podcast of a daily ecological transition

by time news

2023-05-27 15:00:11

The first act is called “Objective 2 tons”, the second “You piss off, my son!” “: in “Super Green Me”, a 22-episode podcast, Lucas Scaltritti deploys the logbook of his ecological transition. On the model of Super Size Me, the documentary by Morgan Spurlock (2004), who had challenged himself to eat exclusively at McDonald’s for a month, the young man embarks on a radical green version project. No more meat, no more polluting trips, the 30-year-old takes us on his new way of life, with one goal in mind: to reduce his carbon impact in six months.

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“Me, at the base, I am not Greta Thunberg. I’m not a lifelong green, I’m not even a green, in fact. I have no desire to eat seeds and use candlelight to save the planet”, he explains automatically in the podcast. As he caricatures a vision of “the green in zadist who does not shower” and transition as one “injunction of punitive ecology”his gaze changes thanks to “There is fire at the lake”, a previous sound work produced by West France, in which he dissects our certainties in terms of ecology. Over the interviews with scientists, a small voice invites itself into his head. At the airport, she says to him: “Asshole, you’re killing the planet!” » ; in front of a steak – which he nevertheless adores – the refrain hardly varies: “Big con, polluter! »

This is how he finds himself on a Paris-Cannes train (a six-hour journey) for a weekend with his parents – usually, by plane, it only takes an hour –, after having announced to his mother that he would not eat meat at Christmas. “Oh, Lucas, you could have waited until after the holidays, right? »she replies, before hoping that this experience will not have too much impact on her life as a couple.

Disturbing for the couple

“I was convinced that I was going to live this challenge in my corner, that I was going to eat my legumes quietly without bothering anyone, making myself very small… But it turns out that I was royally mistaken! », he said. You can hear him smiling at the other end of the line. The first reason is precisely the couple. Changing your diet is like disrupting the common shopping list. “I made this decision when, in our distribution of household chores, she is the one who manages the trolley, so I added to her mental load”, he observes. If his companion supports him, he acknowledges having breached the contract: “She signed for a guy who loves meat and travel…”

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